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如何建構一個簡單的假說 賴明德 成功大學醫學院基礎醫學研究所 2004/10/01 Outline Part I 科學家 Part II 假說 Part III 實驗設計 Part IV 研究計劃 成功科學家之條件 (1) motives: strong motive for science, or success. (2) diligence: hard working for competition (3) persistence: endure failure (4) careful observation: the detail determine (5) intelligence: independent judgment, creativity (6) collaboration: art is I, science is we. 成功優秀的科學家(scientist)and 成功優秀的商業家 (business man) 對事業的強烈熱情 (motive) 認真努力不眠不休 (diligence) 細心工作不輕忽細節 (careful) 持之以恆不畏艱難 (persistence) 仔細判斷掌握機會 (intelligence) 與人合作共謀成功 (collaboration) Then, What are the differences between…? The difference 對﹝科學發現﹞之熱誠或﹝經營商業﹞之熱誠之不同。 能否在科學界成功或不成功,決定在科學界更細緻的操作流程。 A model for scientific process Interactions between PI, other PIs, and students Part II 假說 Are all experiments based on hypothesis? Hypothesis-based experiments Non-hypothesis experiments Comments on some non-hypothesis experiments 研究科學不是拿一大堆數據作統計分析,認為這是素樸的實証分析。科學並不是一個水桶接受外面的水而後自然形成知識。科學如Karl popper所言是conjecture and refutation。所以科學應是反覆建構所形成的思想系統。 但台灣的學者卻是複製外國的方法研究台灣類似之現象。無前因無後續。 所以科學研究必須有一連串之理論基礎。 ─黃光國 非假說型實驗之必要性 The basic study of E. coli system lead to the development of recombinant DNA. Knockout mice experiments lead to important scientific developments. Structural study or structure-function study are mostly non-hypothesis based. Assay of MAPK, JNK, ERK pathways, systematic analysis. Hypothesis versus Descriptive It would be wrong to make too much of discoveries. The greatest advances in molecular biology have grown out of the intent and unrelaxing study of characteristics of a single biological phenomenon or a single biological “system”, such as the genetic in E. coli and human. When and how to set up a hypothesis Philosophical considerations: Keep the importance of your experiments in mind: it is important to remember why you are doing what you are doing. Be a critical thinker: The theories behind experimentation are not carved in stone, and there are several ways to e
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