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October 9 10, 2002 DOE II建築節能模擬軟體介紹 -空調節能設計篇 內容介紹 前言 CVisualDOE建築節能模擬軟體簡介 案例分析-模擬軟體應用介紹 CVisualDOE建築節能模擬軟體簡介 節能方案 Institutional building New Construction 20000 m2 juvenile detention facility Base case constructions and efficiencies are based on California’s Title-24 standards. 28 種DOE-2 HVAC 系統 Four-Pipe Fan Coil Variable Air Volume System CVisualdoe – 專案頁面 CVisualdoe – 區塊頁面 標準區塊 自定區塊 CVisualdoe – 房間頁面 CVisualdoe – 外牆頁面 CVisualdoe – 空調送風系統頁面 CVisualdoe – 區域頁面 CVisualdoe - 3D 視圖 CVisualdoe – 空調系統編輯頁 CVisualdoe – 主機房編輯頁 CVisualdoe – 編輯器 CVisualdoe – 建築外牆結構編輯 CVisualdoe – 時程編輯 CVisualdoe – 節能方案編輯 CVisualdoe – 檢查模組定義 CVisualdoe – 空調區域診斷系統 CVisualdoe – 模擬結果(使用電力) CVisualdoe – 結果 (耗能成本) CVisualdoe – 報告 (空調系統) CVisualdoe – 報告 (以綠建築leed報告型態輸出) CVisualdoe – 耗能結構分析圖 CVisualdoe – 耗能結構分析圖 2 DOAS in CVisualDOE 4.0 Create a dummy zone with no thermal loads 1ft x 1ft x 1ft, no plenum Assign adiabatic walls, roofs and floors to the dummy zone Set LPD, EPD, infiltration, and number of people to 0 Use Advanced Edit to set floor weight to 10 (light-weight construction) Create a 100% OA system (DOAS) serving the dummy zone Use the DOE-2 keyword OA-FROM-SYSTEM to assign the DOAS for other systems Make sure the DOAS is a constant volume system with adequate outside air amount 地源式熱泵 Heat Pump編輯頁面 Use DOE-2 WLHP (Water Loop Heat Pump) System Ground Temperature Cannot have supplement boilers or cooling towers! 熱泵Heat Pump 編輯頁面 Demand Control Ventilation DOE-2 defaults OA as constant volume DCV – outside air volume depending on number of occupants Use the outside air schedule. The hourly ratio represents OA volume as a percentage of DESIGN supply air volume 模擬精確度 Energy ± 8 – 10% monthly energy ± 3 – 5% annual energy Demand ± 10 – 12% monthly peak demand ± 5 – 6% annual average peak demand Average monthly error Annual error Monitored data can cut the error in half 模組誤差可能來源 Unfamiliar with modeling tool No clear objective Poor data and model setup Equipment control (part-load perf


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