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English for a job interview THE MOST COMMON QUESTIONS ANSWERS 1. interviewer:请介绍下你自己 Tell me about yourself. What can you tell me about yourself? Can you make a short self-introduction about yourself? Can you briefly introduce yourself? job-hunter: What do you consider your major strength? several aspects self-motivated, energetic hard working and honest look for better ways of doing the work good interpersonal relationships skills of problem-solving your leadership skills your positive attitude competence related to the position. To answer this one, research the company before your interview. Find out where they have been and where they are going. Get the information through: The company website Social networking pages (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin) If possible talk to the company employees. interviewee: Your company enjoys a good reputation in this field. Ive heard you take care of your employees. 3. interviewer: 你认为你胜任这份工作吗? Why should I hire you? Why do you think you are qualified for this position? I graduated from Qingdao Hotel Management College. I worked hard in my major during my school time. Therefore, I have a firm knowledge background in this field. I have spent the last year working specially in this field. I think I can bring a lot of experience and knowledge with me. 4. Interviewer: How much money are you looking for? I dont mind if I start with a low salary because I lack experience. Ill leave it to you. I will work hard with the co-workers and I think 3000 RMB is proper at the present. * 这个问题的提出并不是要你大谈你的历史,雇主是在寻 找有关于你的性格 资历 志向和生活动力的线索。 1 你在学校里有哪些非常显著的成绩,比如 你可以介绍你 自己曾经当过班长,把班级管理的非常好;或者你曾经协助老师 完成过什么样的项目。要突出自己的亮点。 2 你可以在这一部分中间介绍你的一些优势。比如 你是 一个非常好的co-operator ,非常擅长于communicating with others。或者你非常的hard-working ,非常enjoy new technologies and thoughts. Why are you interested in working for our company? Why do you want to work for us? What do you know about our company? 2. interviewer:为什么要选择我们公司? *



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