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清律「光棍例」之由來及其立法瑕疵 提要 「光棍」犯罪是明清兩代的社會問題之一。明代立法上已有針對光棍的規定,清順治十三年(1656),清廷為懲治光棍犯罪專門制定了一則條例。該條例后來跌修改,至乾隆年間定型化,此即當時人通常所稱的「光棍例」。「光棍例」的出臺,相当于创设了一个新的罪名,这不僅大大加重了對光棍犯罪的懲罰力度,同時也使「光棍」一詞具有了特定的法律含義。本文試圖通過对相關文獻的考證來梳理清律「光棍例」的由來及其演變,並嘗試著從立法技術的角度對「光棍」罪這一清代新創設的罪名略做評析。 關鍵詞: 光棍 光棍例 光棍罪 順治十三年事例 惡棍設法索詐例 恐嚇取財 The Origin of “Guang Gun Li” and Its Legislative Flaws Abstract The crimes committed by guang gun, or hoodlums, was one of the social issues in both Ming and Qing dynasties. Ever since the Ming dynasty, there were already provisions on guang gun’s crimes in the legislation; though in the year of 1656,the Qing government formulated an ordinance in particular to punish the guang guns. This ordinance was the predecessor of the so called Guang Gun Li, or “the sub-statute for hoodlums”, which was modified many times until it reached its final form in Qianlong period(1736-95). The promulgation of Guang Gun Li not only enhanced the penalties for Guang Gun but also gave new legal meanings to the term Guang Gun, which created a new crime title – the Crime of Guang Gun. This article endeavored to trace to the origin of Guang Gun Li and its evolvement through textual research. The paper also attempted to evaluate and analyze the new crime title adopted in Qing dynasty towards guang guns from the angle of the legislative technology. Key words: Guang Gun (hoodlums), Guang Gun Li (the sub-statute for hoodlums), the Crime of Guang Gun, the Ordinance promulgated in the 13th year of Shunzhi, the Ordinance for extortion by Villains, Using Intimidation to Obtain Property 要目 一、「光棍例」之所指 二、「光棍例」淵源考索 三、順治十三年事例來源之推測 四、「光棍」含義之演變 五、「光棍例」立法瑕疵試析 六、結論 清律「光棍例」之由來及其立法瑕疵 蘇亦工* 往日讀明清史料,常能看到「光棍」字樣,清代法律文獻中更有「光棍例」或「光棍律」的提法,惜筆者讀書不求甚解,以往從未特别留意。2008年12月在法國里昂參加的一次會議上,有學者問起《大清律例》中的「光棍例」究竟何指。當時雖硬著頭皮臨場翻閱《大清律例》并認定「光棍例」應是指《刑律·賊盜下·恐嚇取財》門律後的第4條附例。但這種臨時抱佛腳、現上轎現紮耳朵眼的功夫不要說難令詢問者信服,即自己也沒有十足的把握。於是乃決計於返京后做些考證工作,以求放心。經初步研讀文獻,發現清代「光棍例」頭緒至為紛繁,而其沿革脈絡又頗不清晰,有關文獻參差抵牾,加之牽涉到明清兩代復雜的社會歷史背景及與現代西方刑法理論相關的眾多問題,以筆者這點微薄的功


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