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2019年PEP六年级下册第一单元测试卷 PEP六年级英语下册第一单元测试卷 一.选字母或字母组合,补全下列单词.10% ( ) 1.h _ _ vy A. ee B. ei C. ea ( ) 2.t _ _ l A. ai B. ea C. ee ( ) 3. m _ t _ _ A. i,er B. i,or C. e,er ( ) 4.y _ _ng A.on B. oa C. ou ( ) 5. _ _ m A. or B. ar C. er 二.写出下列各词的比较级.10% 1.long______2.thin_________3fat_________4.heavy________ 5funny _______6 big 7small 8 tall 9strong 10 hot 三、用单词的适当形式填空.10% 1. _______ (it) tail is long. 2.My hands are bigger than (you). 3. You’re _______ (funny )than before. 4. My fish is smaller than _______ (Sarah). 5. The giraffe is the _______ (tall )than the elephant. 四.单项选择10% ( ) 1.I’m 48 kg. I’m _______ than you. A. taller B. heavy C. heavier ( ) 2. The pig is ______ than the elephant. A.heavier B.bigger C.smaller ( ) 3. My arms are bigger than _________. A.yours B. your C. you ( ) 4. I think he is _____ home. A. in B.on C. at ( ) 5.—How ______ are you? –I’m 164 cm. A. long B.heavy C. tall 五选出与下列划线部分意思相反的一项.10% ( ) 1. Wu Yifan is 158 cm tall. A. small B. short C. heavier ( ) 2. Amy is smaller than Sue. A.big B. bigger C. biggest ( ) 3. Who’s heavier than you? A.longer B. stronger C. thinner ( ) 4. I’m older and bigger than you. A. taller and smaller B.younger and smaller C. younger and heavier ( ) 5.I’m 166cm. My sister is 160cm. My sister is shorter than me. A. smaller B. thinner C. taller 六、情景交际. 10% ( )1. 老师要大家从低到高排队,他(她)会怎样说? A. Line up from shorter to taller. B. Line up from younger to older. C. Line up from taller to shorter. ( )2.你想告诉别人你比你哥哥高,会怎样说? A. I’m shorter than my brother! B.I’m taller than my brother! C. You’re taller than your brother! ( )3.你想知道朋友的年龄多大,应该怎样问? A. How long



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