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一年 班 座號:  姓名: 高雄市立陽明國中100學年度第2學期第1次段考一年級英語科試題 一、聽力測驗:20% Part A:聽:() (4) (5) Part B:選出適當的回應句(每題唸一遍):()’s an exciting movie. (B) You bet. (C) Are you good at PE? (D) Great. Let’s go. 4.(A) Yes, it’s very interesting. (B) He can’t find his favorite robot. (C) He’s playing in the room. (D) Wow!He can do so many things. 5.(A) Yes, I prepare breakfast every weekend. (B) Yes, I prepare dinner every day. (C) Yes, my mom prepares breakfast for me. (D) Yes, I prepare breakfast every day. Part C:聽CD中的對話或短文,選出正確的答案(每題唸兩遍):(10%) 1. (A) She is Mark’s student. (B) She is Mark’s friend. (C) She is Mark’s teacher. 2. (A) He can sing a song. (B) He can play baseball. (C) He can fix a computer. 3. (A) Yes, he does. (B) Yes, his brother trains it. (C) No, but his brother does. 4. (A) Jacky can nod. (B) Jacky can shake hands. (C) Jacky can play baseball. 5. (A) No, he isn’t. (B) Yes, he is. Many girls like him. (C) No, he isn’t at school. 二、將下列單字的書寫體,轉換成印刷體大、小寫(5%) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三、文意字彙:(20%) 1. Do you have a hobby(嗜好)── for e e, fishing? 2. Josh likes PE and Chinese, but he doesn’t like h y. 3. Don’t w y. Everything will be fine. 4. Peter and Sam are twin brothers. They look a t the same. 5. It is d t to find somewhere to park on the busy street(街). 6. I’ll look up new w in the dictionary(字典)when I don’t know them. 7. A:What do you do at seven every morning? B:I eat breakfast with my f y. 8. The a s in Aesop’s Fables(伊索寓言)can speak like human beings(人類). 9. My brother likes swimming a lot. He goes swimming every o r day. 10. English is Jean’s favorite s t. She always gets good grades at school. 四、文法選擇(20%) 1. your cousins, Linda and Ben, make cookies(餅乾)? (A) Can (B) Is (C) Are (D) Does 2. Can I speak to Mrs. Thomas, please? B: (A) Sure I am. (B) What’s her


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