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UNIT 4 Animals Man is the only animal that blushes - or needs to. — Mark Twain Dictation 反感;憎恶的对象 汗水;出汗 p 定罪;说服;确信;信念 价值;有点;功德;应得 态度;立场;站姿 偏爱的;偏袒的;部分的 当代的;同时代的(人) 眨眼;使眼色;闪烁 装扮;伪装;掩盖,掩饰 下级,下属;从属的;次要的 Contents Word Pretest Keys: Reading Skill: Skimming Derivation Confusing Words desert dessert Glossary raccoon ostrich hyena cicada hippopotamus vulture antelope skunk beaver hedgehog Cloze, Section B C * * antipathy perspiration conviction merit stance partial contemporary wink disguise subordinate Section A (Before-class) 1. Letter Perception 5. Vocabulary Building 2. Word Perception a. Derivation 3. Word Pretest b. Confusing Words 4. Reading Skill c. Glossary 6. Cloze Section B (In-class) Section C (After-class) 1. Memories of the past haunt her. 1-5 CACAA 6-10 BBBCC 1. 她总是想起过去的事。 2. The General also lifted a ban on political parties. 2. 将军同时取消了对政党的禁令。 3. In study the worst danger is give up halfway. 3. 在学习上,最忌讳的是有始无终。 HOW TO SKIM: Let your eyes “float” down over the content of the text, looking for clue words that may tell you who, what, when, where, how many, or how much. Look also for the writer’s direction words. Such words as furthermore and also suggest that the preceding thought is still being discussed. Words such as however, yet and on the contrary suggest that the thought is apt to reverse itself or take another direction. (to be continued) Keys: 2-5 BBAC 6-10 BCCAA moist betrayal exclusively inhumane amazed-ing endangered marvels deadly moisture, moistness betray, betrayer exclude, exclusive humane, humanity amazement danger, dangerous marvelous deadness, undead 沙漠;舍弃;抛弃 餐后甜食; 甜点 dessert, deserted favorite, favorable, favorable awarded, reward, awarded favorable favorite 赞同的;有利的 特别喜欢的(人或物) reward award 酬谢;报答;报酬;奖赏 授予;奖给;判给;奖品 浣熊 [r?ku:n] 鸵鸟 [?str?t?] 鬣狗 [ha?i:n?] 知了 [s?kɑ:d?] 河马 [?h?p?p?t?m?s]


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