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38 4 2008 7
() Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
V ol .38 , N o.4 Ju ly 2008
DOI :10 .3785/ j.issn.1008-942X .2008.04 .016
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宝贡敏 赵卓嘉
( , 310058)
——— CM S 、M OD E、O CCI 、CM M S ,
RO CI-Ⅱ 。 、
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, 。
The Conflict-Handling Modes :A Review of Multi-Dimensional Models and
Assessment of Classic Measuring Instruments
Bao G ong min Zhao Z huojia (Department of Enterprise Management , Z hej i ang Universit y , H angzhou 310058 , Chi na)
Abstract :A s an i nevit able phenomenon o f daily life in o rganizations , conflict s alw ay s exert variable ef fects on w o rk g roups and t heir members .Ei ther f unctio nal o r dysfunctio nal out com es are at tributed to t he content and intensit y o f a co nf lict , and the w ay to deal w it h t hem i s also i mpo rt ant .A w ise and reasonable choice of t he T he conflict st rat egies w ill di rectly inf luence not only the relati onship bet ween g roup members , but al so t heir output and perfo rmance to some e xt ent .T he co nf lict-handling-m ode is a multi-dimensional concept .N ow aday s , tw o-dimensional model s are t he m ainstream , w hich g enerally catego ries conf lict-managi ng met ho ds i nt o five ones —competing , collaborat ion , co mpromising , av oiding and obliging . According to the theoreti cal m odels , there are five classic scales —CMS , MODE , OCCI , CM MS , ROCI-Ⅱ —and all of them are empirically validat ed and suppo rted t o varying deg rees .Comparing the it em cont ent and psychomet ri c prope rties of each scale , we can f ind bo th adv ant ages and di sadvant ag es i n them , especially some co mmo n and no ticeable short co ming s , such as low reliabilities , sim ple
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vali datio ns and significant social desi rabili ty bias .T heref ore , based on t he ma turity of theoretic model s , furt he r amendment and refining are needed f or these instrument s in the