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一等奖作品: 桂一丹 An Overview of Sociolinguistics in China 中国社会语言学研究概述 摘要:社会语言学于上个世纪八十年代引入中国,之后在短短三十年的时间里就有了长足的发展。本论文旨在向读者介绍社会语言学在中国发展的总体状况,同时为其指出未来发展的大致方向。正文内容主要由三个部分构成:第一部分是对中国社会语言学发展历史的总体回顾;第二部分是对中国社会语言学研究现状的大体介绍;第三部分则是对中国社会语言学未来发展的展望。最后得出结论:中国的社会语言学家应该时常反思过去,总结过去的经验教训,才能更好地迈向光辉的未来。 Abstract: Since its Introduction into China in early 1980s, sociolinguistics has developed a great deal within just 30 years. This essay aims to present a general picture of sociolinguistics here in China, and meanwhile point out possible directions for its future development. The body of this paper is composed of three parts: part one is a brief review of the development of sociolinguistics in China; part two covers the current situation of sociolinguistic research in China; part three looks into the future of sociolinguistic research in China. In the end, a conclusion comes out that Chinese sociolinguists should look back now and then,and draw on past experiences and lessons so as to achieve a brilliant future. Introduction Sociolinguistics emerged in the U.S. in the 1960s. Over 40 years of development, sociolinguistic researches have greatly enriched in its content and expanded in its scope. By far it has established a rather complete theoretical system and a stable team of professional researchers. Ever since early 1980s when sociolinguistics was introduced into China, great progress has been made so far. Today as we are striving to push our research work forward more effectively, it’s significant and appropriate that we look back and reflect on our past experiences. Based on this, this essay is to provide a survey of sociolinguistics in China, hereby pointing out certain directions for future development. 1. A Brief Review of the History of Sociolinguistics in China As has been mentioned before, it’s actually in the 1980s that scholars and researchers in China began to pay attention to the then very new field of sociolinguistics. But before that, there already had been people s


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