辽宁省大连市铁路中学必修一Module5 Reading教案.docVIP

辽宁省大连市铁路中学必修一Module5 Reading教案.doc

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辽宁省大连市铁路中学必修一Module5 Reading教案.doc

一教材分析 二教学目标 1知识目标 Get the students to learn and grasp the following important useful new words and expressions in the part: stage reaction electrical equipment reaction partial copper oxide rust boil ordinary be put in order react with at the bottom of add… to… 【来.源:全,品…中高*考*网】 2)To know some metals and their reactions with some substances 2.能力目标 1) Improve the Ss’ ability in reading. 2) To enable the students to know how to read some passages about simple scientific experiments 3.情感目标 1) Get the Ss to know what doing an experiment. 2) Train the ss to love science and have a factual and realistic atttitude towards science.【来.源:全,品…中高*考*网】 三教学重难点 重点 To make the students understand and grasp the vocabulary and knowledge related to science and experiments 难点: To make students learn how to write an experiment report in Englis四学情分析 学生对于的话题较感,应利用这一点,让学生对于话题展开讨论,同时通过预习,课堂训练让学生掌握词汇,短语用法,并能灵活运用。 五教学方法 学案导学:见学案 新授课教学基本环节:预习检查 总结疑惑; 情景导入 展示目标;合作探究 精讲点拨;反思总结 当堂检测;发导学案 布置预习。 六课前准备 1 学生的课前准备:预习课文,初步理解,查阅资料,尝试练习。 2 教师的教学准备:多媒体课件制作,课前预习学案,课后延伸拓展学案,分好小组。 七课时安排 四十分钟 八教学过程 tep1 Check(预习检查 总结疑惑) 检查落实学生的预习情况并了解学生的疑惑,是教学有了针对性。 Step : Lead-in 1.Show the students the picture of a sword with the help of computer and ask some questions. (1) Guess,w hat was it made of? (2) Do you know other metals? 2.learn some metals in the book ⑴potassium ⑵sodium ⑶calcium ⑷magnesium ⑸aluminium ⑹zinc ⑺iron ⑻copper Step 3: Reading 1.Read Passage A and finish exercises on Page44 Choose the best title for PassageA. (1).The Different Uses of Metals (2).The Reaction of Metals (3).The Reaction of Metals with Oxygen 2.Read the passage again answer the questions (1)Which of the metals in the table reacts the most with oxygen and water?? Potassium, calcium and sodium. (2)What happens when you heat calcium in oxygen? It burns to form an oxide. (3)Which metals react with steam? Magnesium, aluminium and zinc. (4) Does iron have a slow or fast reaction with steam? It has a slow re



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