辽宁省大连市铁路中学高一英语教案:Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 6th period (外研版必修1).docVIP

辽宁省大连市铁路中学高一英语教案:Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 6th period (外研版必修1).doc

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辽宁省大连市铁路中学高一英语教案:Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 6th period (外研版必修1).doc

Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Period 6 The General Idea of This Period In this period, we are going to deal with the difficult points: speaking and writing. Teaching Aims 1. Improve the students’ speaking ability. 2. Improve the students’ reading and writing ability. Teaching Important Points 1. Encourage most students to express their opinions. 2. Read an email from an American student to write a reply. Teaching Difficult Points 1. How to make the students try speaking. 2. How to write a short passage according to some materials. Teaching Methods 1. Practice and pair work or group work. 2. Fast-reading to get some important information for writing. Teaching Aids 1. a tape recorder  2. the multimedia  3. the blackboard Teaching Procedures  Step 1 Greetings and Revision (Greet the whole class as usual. Review the adjectives ending in -ing and –ed. ) T: What did we learn yesterday? Ss: The adjectives ending in -ing and –ed.  T: Yes, that’s right. Let’s review them by making up a story: everyone has a chance to show us your sentence if you like. Remember: your sentences should contain at least an adjective and follow the last sentence. I will give you the beginning. Are you clear? S: Yes. T: In modern society, there is a moving story. S: A boy from a poor family in the mountains gets very exciting news. S: That is, he can go out the mountains to see more about the attracting world and realize his dreams. S: But then he is disappointed.  S: How can he walk out these mountains? He is puzzled.  ... (The teacher tries to give as many chances as possible.)  Step 2 Speaking T: Just now, you showed me a beautiful story. I was moved by the story, at the same time I was excited about your courage and good imagination. In order to give another chance to speak, I will lead you to a relaxing topic. Please turn to Page 7.Look at the photos from a US high school brochure and try to discuss and answer the



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