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斯坦福中文学校六、七年级作文作业 Instruction: Every time when you finish an article with computer, copy and paste it in one of the following boxes corresponding to it. Then send this document to your teacher through email. You also need to turn in a hard copy of the article. (训练结束后出学校《作文集》时家长为孩子写的简短介绍) A brief introduction of student written by parents. 照片: 第1篇:我喜爱的一个小物件或玩具 第2篇:我喜爱的动物 第3篇:我喜爱的植物 第4篇:我的“小天地” 第5篇:一种自然现象 第6篇:Translate the story of Anansi and talking melon Part I (section 1-3) 课堂作文准备 Take a look of the following sentences, figure out what may be their Chinese version, and translate them into Chinese: By the time noon came, it was too hot to work. (Break the underlined part into two small parts) Anansi loved to eat melons, but he was much too lazy to grow them himself. (Same as above) The sun rose high in the sky and the day grew warm. (Grew cant be translated as “长”) He broke off a thorn and dropped down into the melon patch. (Here, dropped =jump ) 蜘蛛阿南西和会说话的甜瓜 (1) 一天早上,天气很好。蜘蛛(zhizhu)阿南西高高地坐在一棵刺i)树上u)他的甜瓜地。熟(shu)了的甜瓜好像在叫着阿南西:“看,我们是多么香甜又多汁(zhi)!快来吃我们吧!” 第7篇:Translate the story of Anansi and talking melon Part II (section 4-7) 课堂作文准备 Study the footnote #1 on the first page of the story. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Look how sweet and juicy we are! He sat up in the thorn tree, watching and waiting. Elephant put down his hoe(锄头,chutou) and went inside his house. He broke off (折断,zheduan)a thorn and dropped down into the melon patch. Anansi squeezed(挤,ji) inside and started eating. He ate and ate until he was round as a berry (浆果, jiangguo). Anansi sat down on a pile(堆,dui) of melon seeds and waited to get thin. Look at this fine melon. How big and ripe it is! By and by, they ran into Warthog(野猪). The king picked up the melon and hurled(扔, reng) it as far as he could. The melon bounced and rolled(滚, gun) all the way to Elephants house. The melon smacked into (撞到, zhuangda


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