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Projects for Sino-German CooperationScience and Technology (2014-2015) No. Topic Cooperators People’s Republic of China Federal Republic of Germany 延续项目 Ongoing Projects 1 马铃薯新种质抗晚疫病等的机理研究
Mechanisms of resistance of new potato cultivars to Phytophthora infestans pathogen 西北农林科技大学植保学院:黄丽丽韩青梅高小宁
College of Plant Protection
Northwest University Yangling
Shaanxi, 712100
Frau Xiaoning Gao
Dr. Lili Huang Dr. Qinmei Han
Tel.: +86-(0)29E-mail: lilyhuangK@163.com Institute for Agricultural Crop, Federal Center for Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants
Rudolf-Schick- Platz 3a, D-18190 Gross Lusewitz
Dr. Ramona Thieme
Tel.: +49 038209-45205
E-mail: ramona.thieme@jki.bund.de 2 小麦抗蚜性研究
Study on the Resistance on Aphids on Wheat 西北农林科技大学植保学院:赵惠燕
College of Plant Protection
Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University 71210 Yangling, Shaanxi
Prof. Dr. Huiyan Zhao
Tel.: +86-(0)29-7092292
E-mail: zhaohy1983@ BTL- Bio-Test Labor GmbH Sagerheide, FG Phyto-Entomologie
Thünenplatz 1; 18190 Sanitz / Gr. Lüsewitz
Dr. Thomas Thieme
E-mail: tt@biotestlab.de
JKI - Institut für Pflanzen- schutz in Ackerbau und Grünland
Messeweg 11/12, 38104 Braunschweig
Dr. Udo Heimbach
E-mail: udo.heimbach@jki.bund.de 3 环境活性物质对动物机体内分泌功能的影响
Effect of xenobiotic substances on animal endocrine function 南京农业大学:孙钦伟;赵茹茜
Dept. Vet. Med., Nanjing Agricultural University,
210095 Nanjing
Qinwei Sun
Prof. Dr. Ruqian Zhao
Tel: +86-(0)25E-mail: sqw@ Department of Functional Genomics and Bioregulation, Institute of Animal Science Mariensee
31535 Neustadt a Rbg
Prof. Dr. N. Parvizi 4 猪肉质的代谢程序化调控
Metabolic programming in pig meat production 南京农业大学:马文强;赵茹茜
Key Lab. of Animal Physiology and Biochemistry
Nanjing Agriculture University
Nanjing 210095
Associate Prof. Dr. Wenqiang Ma
Prof. Dr. Ruqian Zhao
Tel: +86-(0)25E-mail:wq8110@126.com Department of Functional Genomics and Bioregulation, Institute of Animal Science Mariensee, FAL
31535 Neustadt
Dr. Med. v