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而且想,我或许活不到那一天,以偶尔的神笔描绘出他的幻想; 每当我感觉,呵,瞬息的美人! 我也许永远都不会再看到你,不会再陶醉于无忧的爱情和它的魅力! 于是,在这广大的世界的沿岸,我独自站定、沉思,直到爱情、名声,都没入虚无里。 This was a sonnet,which Keats wrote to his girlfriend Fanny – Brawne.The images of this poem were bright star, the moving waters,snow,loves ripening breast. He combined love,death and enduring thought together to express love, death,life and his dream.This poem was later made into a movie. Bright Star He produced a variety of work, including epic, lyric (抒情诗)and narrative poems. Odes(颂诗,赋) are regarded as Keats’s most important and mature works. When Keats died in 1821, he was just 25 years old. Major Features of Keats’s Poetry characterized by exact and closely knit construction, sensual description, force of imagination. sensuous, colorful and rich in imagery; One great message --- the lasting power of beauty and its union with truth. Major subject matters of his poems –love beauty and suffering death. His Position in English Literature: Known as a sensuous poet 给人以美的享受的诗人 A voice through which beauty expresses itself. He is, like Shakespeare, Milton and Wordsworth, one of the indisputable great English poets. Today his poems and letters are some of the most popular and most analyzed in English literature. 济慈诗才华横溢,与雪莱、拜伦齐名。他年仅25岁,可是他遗下的诗篇一直誉满人间,被认为完美地体现了西方浪漫主义诗歌的特色,并被推崇为欧洲浪漫主义运动的杰出代表。他主张“美即是真,真即是美”,擅长描绘自然景色和事物外貌,表现景物的色彩感和立体感,重视写作技巧,语言追求华美,对后世抒情诗的创作影响极大。 “1821年2月23日,他客死罗马,安葬在英国新教徒公墓,年仅二十五岁。……如果天以借年,他能够达到什么样的成就,是难以意料的。但是人们公认,当他二十四岁停笔时,他对诗坛的贡献已大大超越了同一年龄的乔叟、莎士比亚和弥尔顿。” John Keats (1795-1821) 王帆13B1 16号 John Keats (1795-1821) Life Story Major Literary Works Major Features of Keats’s Poetry His Position in English Literature John Keats 1795-1821 English romantic poet. He is considered as one of the greatest English poets. In 1795,he born in a poor family,2 brothers and 1 sister In 1804,his father died In 1810,his mother died of tuberculosis(肺结核) In 1815,he entered a medical school,but gave up within a year In 1818~1820,he created most o


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