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e.g. He likes the peach better because it is ripe. e.g. She prefers peach to pear. to后需带宾语 stubborn adj. 倔强的, 顽固的; 不听话的 e.g. He is as stubborn as a mule. 他像骡子一般执拗。 determined adj. 果断的, 决然的, 坚定的 e.g. She is a very determined woman. 她是十分坚定的女士。 detail n. 细节,琐事 e.g. He can probably tell us all the details we want. 他也许能告诉我们所需的全部详情。 item n. 物件;部件;项目;条款 e.g. Select a keyword for this item. 选择此项目的关键字。 journey,一般做名词,可指陆、海、空的旅行,常指距离较远的旅行。 注意搭配:go on a journey, make a journey。 travel泛指旅行、游历,是最为普通的用语,但无路程的含义。常指远距离的长期的旅行,它同journey的不同之处在于没有直接到达目的地的旅行的涵义。可作动词和名词。???? * 人教课标 高一 必修 1 Unit 3 Discovering Useful Words and Expressions Unit 3 Travel Journal persuade determined be fond of care about prefer organise fare give in cycle Find the correct words or expressions from the text for each sentence. He is so stubborn that no one can __________ him to do anything. 2. A ___________ person always tries to finish the job, no matter how hard it is. 3. My grandpa _________ fishing and sometimes he fishes all day in the river. persuade determined is fond of 4. Liu Xiaoding is a good teacher and __________ his students very much. 5. I _______ the red dress to the green one because it fits me better. 6. The concert went like clockwork because Li Pei had _________ it so well. cares about prefer organized 7. I wanted to pay the train ____, but my friend insisted. Finally, I _______. 8. She persuaded all of us to _____ to work instead of taking the bus. fare gave in cycle Choose the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences. As neither of them would ______, no decision was taken that day. (give in / give up) 2. I _____ the first flat we saw ______ because it was larger. (like … better / prefer to) give in liked better 3. The task was di


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