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Systemic Functional Grammar 系统功能语法 SFL grew out of the work of JR Firth, a British linguist of the 30s, 40s, and 50s, but was mainly developed by his student MAK Halliday. He developed the theory in the early sixties (seminal paper, Halliday 1961), based in England, and moved to Australia in the Seventies, establishing the department of linguistics at the University of Sydney. Through his teaching there, SFL has spread to a number of institutions throughout Australia, and around the world. Australian Systemics is especially influential in areas of language education. SFL teaching and research also continued in the UK, with main proponents including Margaret Berry, Dick Hudson (before moving on), Chris Butler, Robin Fawcett, and many others. Another branch was established in Toronto, Canada, under Michael Gregory (a British colleague of Halliday), and later Jim Benson, Michael Cummings, and Bill Greaves. SFL teaching is now taught around the globe. 阅读书目 Bloor, T. M. Bloor. 1995. The Functional Analysis of English: A Hallidayan Approach. London: Arnold. Thompson, G. 2004. Introducing Functional Grammar (2nd ed). London: Arnold. Halliday, M.A.K. 1985/1994. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Arnold. Eggins, S. 1994: An Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics. London: Pinter. Lock, G. 1996: Functional English Grammar: An Introduction For Second Language Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Halliday, M.A.K. R. Hasan, 1976. Cohesion in English. London: Longman. Martin, J.R. 1992. English Text: System and Structure. Amsterdam Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Martin, J. R., C. Matthiessen C. Painter, 1997: Working With Functional Grammar. London and New York: Arnold. Martin, J. R. D. Rose, 2003: Working With Discourse: Meaning Beyond the Clause. London: Continuum. 胡壮麟等. 1989.《系统功能语法概论》. 长沙:湖南教育出版社. 胡壮麟. 2000. 《功能主义纵横谈》. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 胡壮麟等. 2005.《系统功能语言学概论》. 北京:北京大学出版社. 张德禄等. 2005.《功能语言学与外语教学》. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 朱永生、严世清.


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