九年级英语Unit 4知识归纳.doc

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九年级英语Unit 4知识归纳

42. pass v. 传递 pass sb. sth. = pass sth. to sb. ’m looking forward to your reply. 我期待着你的答复。 seeing you soon. 50. Could you please tell me which place would be a good choice for me to go to. 你能告诉我去哪个地方对我来说会是一个不错的选择吗? 51. It’s convenient to get to. 到那方便。 52. meet someone for the first time 第一次见到某人 53. 序数词:first second third fourth fifth eighth ninth twelfth 54. fail to do ... 没能做...,没做成... 九 年 级 英 语Unit 4知 识 归 纳 1. used to do sth. 曾经/过去常做某事 used to be ... 过去是... P25 Tom used to be short, didn’t he? Yes, he did. He didn’t use to wear glasses, did he? Did she use to have straight hair? No, she didn’t. 2. look like be like What’s he like? What does he look like? 3. no more not anymore 不再 4. humor n. 幽默 humorous adj.有幽默感的,滑稽有趣的 5. silent adj. 不说话的,沉默的 silence n. 沉默,缄默,无声 in silence 沉默,无声 He is always silent in class. We ate the rest of the dinner in silence. 6. adj./adv. + enough (+ to do) active enough 足够活跃 enough time 7. get good grades 取得好成绩 8. play the piano play soccer play chess 9. She is more interested in sports. 她对运动更感兴趣。 10. on a swim team 在游泳队 11. from time to time 时常,有时 12. It’s been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates. Has Bill changed a lot? 比尔变化很大吗? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t. 13. It’s interesting to see how people have changed. 看到人们是如何变化的真有趣。 14. turn v. 变成,半联系动词,后加颜色 His face always turned red when he talked to girls. 他和女孩说话时总是脸红。 15. I used to see him reading in the library. 我过去每天都看到他在图书馆看书。 16.score n. v. 得分,进球 get good scores on his exams 在考试中取得好成绩 17.Candy’s advice to young people Candy给年轻人的建议 P27 18. a 19-year-old Asian pop star 一位19岁的亚洲流行歌手 19. She took up singing to deal with her shyness. 为了克服害羞她开始学唱歌。 take up + n./doing 开始从事... deal with 应付,处理 (dealt) 20. shy adj. shyness n. 害羞,腼腆 kindness, illness, fairness, happiness 21. As she got better, she dared to sing in front of her class. 当她好些时,她敢在全班人面


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