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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ore Transportation from Mine to Beneficiation Plant * Rail / Road / Conveyor / Pipeline Restoration * Back Filling of mined out area with Tailings / waste rock * Construction of Tailings Dam near Beneficiation Plant Underground Mine Construction * Shafts / Ramp Mining Method of underground mining by Shafts and Ramps / Declines is already being practiced in non-ferrous metal mines in India; e.g. HCL; UCIL etc. * Solution mining /images/saltdome.gif /saltcaverns/desc/index.htm * /Min_Eng_Hndbk/meh2-toc.cfm * Future methods Ocean mining Deep sea nodules Asteroid mining Robots * 尾矿库 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? * 上升坝,依据坝体上升过程中坝顶线相对于初期坝位置的移动方向。可分作三类:上游坝、下游坝和中心线坝。我国和南非主要采用上游坝。 * Conclusion U/g mining is dusty, noisy dangerous work for those who descend in the dark bowels of the earth for winning of ore. Armchair mining with ‘tele-operations’ guarantees absolute safety to human lives; no doubt it adds to the cost. U/g mining is the only solution in sight for excavation of iron ore in eco-fragile areas in India. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - Haulage drifts are in waste rock and 10m away from the stopes - Ave width of stopes is 1.6m. Each cut is 2.4m high. 10 stopes required to produced 400 tons per day, of which, 6 are mining stopes, 2 are development stopes and 2 are in the final phase. On a given lift (2.4m high), drilling is horizontal (breasting). o Easy to track the vein o Unexploded holes are better taken care of o Better controlled blasts o Miners are not exposed to the ground they are actually drilling - Blasts are about 25 ton * * Table - 1 As on 1.4.1980 1.4.1990 1.4.2000 1.4.2005 Hematite 11469 12197 11426 14630 Magnetit


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