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第一部分 基础模块夯实 Module 7 Unit 1 Living well Section I 课本扫描 一、核心单词 1. ambition [?mbi??n] n. 雄心;抱负 vt. 追求 (1) Her ambition is the presidency. 她的抱负是成为一名总统。 (2) After several hours’ work, she had no ambition to go dancing. 工作几个小时之后,她没有精力去跳舞了。 (3) The prince was attracted by the girl’s beauty, and ambitious to marry her. 王子被女孩的美貌打动了,渴望能娶到她。 归纳: be ambitious for (power, social position, etc.)极欲获得(权力、社会地位等) be ambitious of success渴望成功 be ambitious to serve the people一心想为人民服务 小练:汉译英。 (1) 她渴望自己作为一名女新闻工作者在生活中取得成就。 She ____________ in life as a woman news writer. (2) 作为一个志向远大的领导者,他想带领当地的人们过上幸福的生活。 ___________________________________________ (1) is ambitious to succeed (2) As an ambitious leader, he wants to guide the local people to lead a happy life. 2. beneficial [,benifi??l] adj. 有益的 受益的 benefit v. n.有助于;受益;利益,好处 (1)A temperate climate is beneficial to the health. 温和气候有利于健康。 (2)Sunshine is beneficial to plants. 阳光对植物有益。 (3)Both sides have benefited from the talks. 双方都从洽谈中受益。 归纳:be beneficial to sth./sb.对……有益 be of benefit to对……有益 for the benefit of为了……(的利益) benefit from从……中受益 小练:汉译英。 (1) 使用电脑对孩子们的学习很有好处。 ________________________________________ (2) 只有一个人有足够的自控能力时,他才能从玩游戏中获益。 Only if one has enough self-control, can he________ playing games. (1)Using computers has a beneficial effect on children’s learning./Using computers is beneficial to children’s learning. (2)be benefit from 3. adapt [?d?pt] v. 使适应;改编 (1)You should adapt yourself to the new environment. 你应该适应新环境。 (2)The makers adapted the cartoon film for children from the Russian original. 为了孩子们,影片制作人将这本俄文原著改编成了卡通电影。 归纳:adapt (oneself) to sth.适应某物 adapt…to…使……适应…… adapt sth. for sth. from sth.根据某事将……改编成…… be adapted from… 由……改编 小练:汉译英。 (1)他们很快就适应了城市生活。 ___________________________________________ (2)这部电影是由小说改编的。 ___________________________________________ (1)They soon adapted themselves to the city life. (2)The movie was adapted from a novel. 4.conduct[k?nd?kt, k?nd?kt


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