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VDA6.3过程审核 Part B: serial Production B部分:批量生产 Element 5: Suppliers/Input Material 要素5:供方/原材料 Questions 5.1:Are only approved quality capable suppliers used? 5.2:Is the agreed quality of the purchased parts guaranteed? 5.3:Is the quality performance evaluated and are corrective actions introduced when there are deviations from the requirements? 5.4:Are target agreements for continual improvement of products and process made and implemented with the suppliers? 5.5:Are the required releases for the delivered serial pro-ducts available and the required improvements measures implemented? 5.6:Are the procedures agreed with the customer, regarding customer-supplied products, maintained? 5.7:Are the stock levels of input material matched to production needs? 5.8:Are input materials/internal residues delivered and stored according to their purpose? 5.9:Is the personnel qualified for the respective tasks? 提问: 5.1:是否仅允许已认可的且有质量能力的供方供货? 5.2:是否确保供方所供产品的质量达到供贷协议要求? 5.3:是否评价供贷实物质量?与要求有偏差时是否采取措施? 5.4:是否与供方就产品过程的持续改进商定质量目标,并付诸落实? 5.5:对已批量供贷的产品是否具有所要求的批量生产认可,并落实了所要求的改进措施? 5.6:是否对顾客提供的产品执行了与顾客商定的方法? 5.7:原材料库存(量)状况是否适合于生产要求? 5.8:原材料/内部剩余材料是否有合适的进料和贮存方法? 5.9:员工是否具有相应的岗位培训? 5.1 Are only approved quality capable suppliers used? Requirements/Explanations: Prior to determining the suppliers, an evaluation of the quality system (certification/auditing) must be available. During serial application, it must be ensured that only suitable suppliers are used. Experiences from quality performance assessments must be considered. The following points, for example, are to be considered: -Supplier discussions/regular support -Evaluation of the quality capability e.g. audit results/certificates -Assessment of the quality performance (quality/costs/service). 5.2 Is the agreed quality of the purchase parts guaranteed? Requirements/Explanations: The following points, for example, are to be considered: -Sufficient inspection and test possibilities (Laboratory and measuring equipmen


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