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Unit 1 Focus1 content focus1starter focus1starter 2. Focus 1 3 Focus 1 5 Focus 1 5 Focus 1 5 Focus 1 5 Focus 1 5 Focus 1 5 Focus 1 5 Focus 1 6 Focus 1 6 Focus 1 7 Focus 2 content Focus2 2 Focus2 2 Focus2 3 Focus2 3 Focus2 3 Focus2 3 Focus2 3 Focus2 5 Focus2 5 Focus2 5 Focus2 5 Focus2 5 Focus 2 5 Focus2 6 Focus 2 7 Focus 2 7 Focus 2 7 Focus2 Grammar Focus2 Grammar Focus2 Grammar Focus2 Grammar Focus2 Grammar Focus2 Grammar Thank you! Back Next A. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage. ( ) 1. If you borrow tomorrow’s money for uses today, you are called a snail. ( ) 2. An ant doesn’t invest in stocks. ( ) 3. The crickets save a lot of money to enjoy everything in their future life. ( ) 4. An ant puts work before everything and saves every penny to enjoy everything now. ( ) 5. The writer suggests one should realize the possible problems one may have in the future. T T F F T 5. Nature of Spending Back Next B. Complete the word spelling according to the meaning given in the brackets. 5. Nature of Spending 1. V___L___ ___ 2. S___ ___RE 3. ___NA___ ___ 4. L___ ___U___Y 5. S___V___ ___ ___S (quality of being useful or desirable) (to put away for future use) (kind of small, soft animal, usually with a shell) (very great comfort and pleasure) (money put aside for future use) A U E T O S I L U X R A I N G 6. Expressing opinions on spending To what degree do you agree with the ant, the cricket or the snail in Exercise 5? Write down your own opinions. Back Next For Reference Answer Click Here Back Next People like ants lead a traditional life. They put most of their income into the bank. However, they can’t enjoy life when they’re young and healthy. To some extent, I am in favor of the cricket’s way of spending. We can borrow money from the bank to inve


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