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开放术式_Fisch 技术 Open Mastoido-Epitympanectomy Ugo Fisch Technique 北京大学第三医院耳鼻咽喉科 马芙蓉 furongma@126.com 病例一 女性,32岁 右耳渐进性听力下降伴间断流脓3年,口角歪斜1月+ 。 10余年前无明显诱因出现右耳疼痛,经抗炎、局部滴药治疗后好转。 3年前感冒后出现右耳疼痛,流脓,右侧面肌痉挛,抗炎治疗后疼痛、流脓停止,出现听力下降。以后流脓间断发作,听力下降逐渐加重。1年前流脓停止。 1月前患者咀嚼时发现右侧口角歪斜。 “颞骨岩部胆脂瘤(右)”收住院。 专科查体 右耳廓无畸形,外耳道宽洁、无红肿,无异常分泌物。鼓膜膨隆,鼓膜紧张部裂隙样穿孔。 左耳(-)。 周围性面瘫。面神经功能评价(HB):V级。定位检查:面神经损伤部位在膝状神经节以上。面神经电图检查神经纤维变性达100%。 纯音听阈 颞骨CT 病理结果 耳内窥镜(术后5个月) 耳道口宽畅 术腔已经绝大部分上皮化 未见脓液 无脑膜暴露和动静脉暴露 病例二 外耳道胆脂瘤 男性,62岁。 右耳间断流脓伴听力下降40余年,头痛10余天。 查体:右外耳道红肿,可见黄色分泌物,耳道破坏扩大,标志消失,未见鼓膜及听小骨。 辅助检查:纯音测听示右耳传导性聋,骨气导间距50dB. 颞骨CT:外耳道扩大,外耳道后壁破坏,乳突内密度增高影。 纯音听力 颞骨CT 开放术式术腔 Surgery for Otitis Media and Cholesteatoma Tympanum Tympanoplasty (Myringoplasty+Ossicle Reconstruction) Mastoid Simple Mastoid Operation Tympanum +Mastoid Tympanoplasty Closed cavity : Ossicle reconstruction +Canal Wall up Open cavity: Ossicle reconstruction +Canal Wall down Subtotal Petrosectomy with Preservation of Otic Capsule Mastoidectomy Removal of the posterior wall of external auditory canal. Many names (Depending on how the middle ear and the disease are managed) Canal wall down mastoidectomy Modified radical mastoidectomy Radical mastoidectomy Bondy mastoidectomy Indication for classic radical mastoidectomy Unresectable cholesteatoma extending down the eustachian tube or into the petrous apex Promontory cochlear fistula caused by cholesteatoma Chronic perilabyrinthine osteritis or cholesteatoma the cannot be removed and must be cleaned or inspected periodically Resection of temporal bone neoplasm with periodic monitoring Modified radical mastiodedtomy Effective method to manage cholesteatoma in a single-stage approach. Cholesteatoma extending into the attic, antrum, or mastoid process. CT : Defination of erosion of vital structures and extent of the disease. Purpose of Mastoidectomy To exteriorize the mastoid for future monitoring of recurrent c


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