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Inversion and Text Cohesion Textual Function 话题导入 (topic-introducing) 情境设定(situation-setting) 焦点凸显(focus-highlighting) 焦点对比(focus-contrasting) 语篇的衔接与连贯(textual cohesion and coherence 1 话题导入功能 话题导入功能就是运用一定的句法手段为语篇提供一个话题,即语篇将要谈论、说明或叙述的人或事。倒装句是一种语用性很强的句法重组手段,在语篇建构过程中可以将某人或某物作为新信息置于句末,为语篇导入一个话题,以供下文谈论之用。例如: (1) Three score and nine years old was the redbearded king, Frederick Barbarossa. He was by right the master of Germany. He had subdued Italy and had been crowned in the imperial city of Rome. Throughout Europe his name was known and feared; in his own country he was the hero of heroes(《西方传说故事选》(英汉对照)1984:254) 例(1)是一则故事的首段。作者第一句就使用了一个倒装句。从语篇的建构和发展来看,作者采用倒装这一语用重组手段,把 the redbearded king, Frederick Barbarossa 置于句末,使之成为信息焦点,不仅为语篇的发展导入了所要谈论的话题,而且使整个语篇的前后衔接更加紧密。这一点可以从倒装句引出的话题 the redbearded king, Frederick Barbarossa 同下文的三个 he 和两个 his(如斜体部分所示)之间所形成的照应关系(anaphora)中得到很好的证明。 (2) On the king’s wrist sat his favourite hawk; for in those days hawks were trained to hunt. At a word from their masters they would fly high up into the air, and look around for prey. If they chanced to see a deer or a rabbit, they would swoop down upon it swift as any arrow.(同上:124) 例(2)是一个语篇的第五段,前面几段对 Genghis Khan 进行了描述,这一段的首句运用倒装句使其前置成分与上文紧密衔接起来,并把主语作为信息焦点后置,这样就为该语篇导入了一个新的话题,下文正是围绕这一新话题 hawk(s)而展开的。这可以从 hawk 与 hawks的词汇衔接关系以及 hawks 与后面的三个 they之间的照应关系中看出。 2 情境设定功能 倒装句的情境设定功能就是为语篇引入一个时间范围或空间范围,使其能够在这一情境内叙述将要发生的事件,从而保证语篇的顺利发展。 (3) It was a dark September morning. There was a storm at sea. A ship had been driven on a low rock off the shores of the Farne Islands. It had been broken in two by the waves, and half of it had been washed away. The other half lay yet on the rock, and those of the crew who were still alive were clinging to it. […] Could any one save the poor, half-drowned men who were there? On one of the islands was a lighthouse; and there, all through that stormy night, Grace Darling had listened to the storm. […] In the darkness of the night, above the noise of the winds, she heard screams


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