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目录Content 1 工程概况General of project 1 2 编制依据References 2 2.1 编制说明Instructions 2 2.2 执行规范和标准Standards and specifications 2 3 施工组织Construction organization 4 3.1 主要工程实物量Main construction items 5 3.2 施工安排Construction arrangement 5 3.3 施工机具准备Construction machinery and apparatus preparation 6 3.4 施工人员安排Personnel arrangement 6 3.5 施工进度计划Construction progress schedule 7 4 质量控制计划Quality control plan 7 4.1 质量方针与质量目标 7 4.2 质量目标: 7 4.3 质量保证体系Quality assurance system 8 5 压缩机组施工技术措施Compressors construction technical measures 8 5.1 施工总体要求:General construction execution requirements 8 5.2 设备开箱检查:Visual inspection of equipment 11 5.3 基础验收及处理:Foundation treatment and acceptance 11 5.4 机组就位、找平找正Locate level and align assembling units 14 5.5 机组就位、找平找正Locate, level and align assembling units 15 5.6 二次灌浆Secondary grouting 17 5.7 系统管线安装的技术要求Technical requirements for system piping installation 19 5.8 乙烯压缩机组Ethylene compressor units 22 5.9 丙烯压缩机组Propylene refrigeration compressor units 29 5.10 甲烷制冷压缩机组Methane refrigeration compressor units 35 6 HSE 控制计划 HSE control plan 40 6.1 HSE“六个零”目标:HSE “Six Zero” targets 40 6.2 施工现场的安全控制 Safety control on construction site 40 7 附录Appendix 43 7.1 乙烯二标段压缩机安装工程设备一览表Equipment list of ethylene compressors installation work 43 7.2 施工机具及消耗材料Construction machinery and consumable materials 44 7.3 压缩机冷态找正曲线图 Curve of cold state alignment of compressors 47 7.4 工作危险性分析(JHA)表Hazard Assessment Worksheet 51 7.5 乙烯二标段压缩机安装工程进度计划Construction schedule plan of ethylene compressors installation work 53 工程概况General of project 上海赛科90万吨/年乙烯工程是中国石化股份公司、上海石化股份公司和英国BP公司合资的大型石化项目,位于上海市金山区漕泾上海化学工业园区内。乙烯裂解装置为该工程的龙头项目,计划于2002年年底开始土建施工、2003年4月15日开始安装施工、2004年12月28日机械完工、2005年3月投料开车、同年五月开始商业运行。 Shanghai SECCO 900kt/y Ethylene Project, located in Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park, is financed and executed by the joint venture of SINOPEC Co. Ltd, Shanghai Petroleum Chemical Co, Ltd and BP Company. Ethylene heaters installation is the most important part of this project. It is propo


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