The Colonial Period Timeline Characteristics 1607 殖民时期的时间线和特性1607.pptVIP

The Colonial Period Timeline Characteristics 1607 殖民时期的时间线和特性1607.ppt

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The Colonial Period Timeline Characteristics 1607 殖民时期的时间线和特性1607

The Colonial Period Timeline Characteristics 1607-1765 History Timeline 1607 – Jamestown, VA was settled 1620 – Plymouth, MA was settled 1630 – MA Bay Colony settled at Boston 1640 – 1st printing press in America 1695 – Salem Witch Trials 1741- The Great Awakening 1760 – Age of Reason begins Literature Timeline 1624 – General History of Virginia 1630 – Of Plymouth Plantation 1640 – Bay Psalm Book 1650 – Anne Bradstreet’s poetry 1702 – Puritan History 1729 – “History of the Dividing Line” 1741 – “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Native Americans Respect for nature All creatures are powerful Manito or Great Spirit = life The Puritans (North) 2 Kinds: Separatists (Pilgrims) Break Free! Puritans: Reform! Influences on Puritans Pilgrims Martin Luther Men = Wicked; God = All-Powerful John Calvin No Free Choice!!! Original Sin You are all sinners! Divine Providence God is in control Hard work The Planters (South) Concern for nature Concern for society Did not settle for religious reasons Chivalry – “Southern Gentleman” Entertainment and distractions Why permanent settlement in America? South: TOBACCO CRIMINAL ASYLUM North: RELIGION 3 Important “Americanisms” Business drive Pursuit of liberty Religious zeal Puritan Literature Religious Puritan Plain Style purification, plainness, and the Divine Mission Southern Literature Entertaining Fiction and drama Nature and society Types of Colonial Writing Sermons Diaries Autobiographies Allegories Tracts Devotional poems Apocalyptic pronouncements Almanacs Elegies * * *


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