The Domain Name System Computer Science Engineering域名系统计算机科学与工程.pptVIP

The Domain Name System Computer Science Engineering域名系统计算机科学与工程.ppt

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The Domain Name System Computer Science Engineering域名系统计算机科学与工程

ARPA: Advanced Research Projects Agency ARPA: originally was the acronym for the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), the funding organization in the United States that developed the precursor of the Internet (ARPANET), it now stands for Address and Routing Parameter Area. Root zone file lists the names and numeric IP addresses of the authoritative DNS servers for all top-level domains (TLDs) a spoofing attack is a situation in which one person or program successfully masquerades as another by falsifying data BIND: Berkeley Internet Name Domain Also, the caching resolver can insert data into the cache, and can query the cache and the database server. Registries, Registrars, and Registrants Registry Zone DB Registrants End user requests add/modify/delete Registrar submits add/modify/delete to registry Registrar Registrar Registrar Master updated Registry updates zone Slaves updated Verisign: the registry and registrar for gTLDs .COM, .NET, and .ORG By far the largest top level domains on the Internet today Verisign received the contract for the registry for .COM, .NET, and .ORG also a registrar for these TLDs Overview Introduction to the DNS DNS Components DNS Hierarchy The DNS in Context Load Concerns DNS can handle the load DNS root servers get approximately 3000 queries per second Empirical proofs (DDoS attacks) show root name servers can handle 50,000 queries per second Limitation is network bandwidth, not the DNS protocol zone, which translates numbers to names, gets about 2000 queries per second Performance Concerns DNS is a very lightweight protocol Simple query – response Any performance limitations are the result of network limitations Speed of light Network congestion Switching/forwarding latencies Security Concerns Base DNS protocol (RFC 1034, 1035) is insecure DNS spoofing (cache poisoning) attacks are possible DNS Security Enhancements (DNSSEC, RFC 2565) remedies this flaw But creates new ones DoS attacks Amplification attacks DNSSEC s


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