The Diversity of Wine Yeast UCANR Web Sites葡萄酒酵母的多样性ucanr网站.pptVIP

The Diversity of Wine Yeast UCANR Web Sites葡萄酒酵母的多样性ucanr网站.ppt

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The Diversity of Wine Yeast UCANR Web Sites葡萄酒酵母的多样性ucanr网站

Summary By Analogy…. * * * * * * * * * * * Impact of Yeast Strain Diversity Lucy Joseph Department of Viticulture and Enology UC Davis Outline of Yeast Diversity Overview of biological strain diversity Commercial yeast strains Choosing a yeast strain Native yeast strains Interaction with other yeast and fungi and bacteria What is a Strain? Strains are the same species of organism They have measureable differences These differences are consistent and inherited Strains are often a clonal population (budding) Differences may be genetic or due to the expression of genetic material How do Differences Arise? Genetic change on the chromosome either by sequence or position Genetic difference in organelle DNA, example: mitochondrial or ribosomal DNA Genetic mutation in or loss or gain of extra-chromosomal DNA Extra copies of chromosomes, anueploid/polyploid Hybrids between Saccharomyces species Inherited transcriptional state, i.e. epigenetic Inherited protein conformational state i.e. prion Selection for Differences Natural variation occurs Unfavorable variants selected against Favorable variants more likely to survive and reproduce New Strain Domesticated vs. Wild Saccharomyces cerevisiae Wild Saccharomyces are found in the vineyard and in oak trees and soil near vineyards Domesticated Saccharomyces are found in the winery and for sale from inoculant companies Domesticated yeast are typically better suited for making wine They are selected both naturally and purposefully to survive and thrive in the winery environment Definition of Domesticated ‘species bred in captivity and thereby modified from its wild ancestors in ways making it more useful to humans who control its reproduction and (in the case of animals) its food supply’ Diamond J (2002) Evolution, consequences and future of plant and animal domestication Nature, 418, 700–707 Wine Yeast and Other Domesticated Yeast LeGras Molecular Ecology (2007) 16:2091-2102. Characteristics Selected For in Wine A


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