The Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime爱丁堡青年变迁与犯罪研究.pptVIP

The Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime爱丁堡青年变迁与犯罪研究.ppt

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The Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime爱丁堡青年变迁与犯罪研究

The Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime The Long View University of St Andrews 27 February 2004 Research team Aims To understand why some young people become heavily involved in crime, and why most stop To explain gender differences in offending To understand the influence of social and neighbourhood context Aims contd. To describe relationships between delinquency and other risk behaviours (drugs, smoking, sex) To monitor effects of Children’s Hearings, social work, police contact To monitor effects of other interventions? Study design Focus on adolescence and early adulthood Large scale Single cohort longitudinal, prospective Integrates data sources Includes study of social geography Analyses interactions between people and neighbourhoods The cohort Target group: children in Edinburgh aged 12 in autumn 1998 Mainstream, special, and independent schools Cohort size, 4,380 Response rate in participating schools up to sweep 4, 95% Participating organizations City of Edinburgh Council Department of Social Work Children’s Hearings (SCRA) Lothian and Borders Police State and independent schools Graduate students funded by ESRC CASE awards Ali Brown, in collaboration with the Scottish Executive: study of collective efficacy and crime in Edinburgh neighbourhoods Mark Penman, in collaboration with the Children’s Hearings: study of referral to Children’s Hearings, and effects of referral on subsequent criminal careers Graduate students contd. Elizabeth Aston, in collaboration with Lothian and Borders Police: links between alcohol, drugs, and crime Funding Core funding 1998-2002 was from ESRC The Nuffield Foundation funded the survey of parents (autumn 2001) Core funding 2003-2005 is from the Scottish Executive and the Nuffield Foundation The Scottish Executive funded the 2002 survey of Edinburgh residents Informed consent Detailed letter of explanation to parents, with opportunity to withdraw at outset: 3.5% opted out Two newsletters to parents, with opportunity t



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