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The Elements sussextech元素 sussextech

The Elements Hydrogen - Calcium Hydrogen The most abundant element in the universe. It is the fuel that burns in stars. It is the simplest element. Hydrogen is a gas under standard conditions. Hydrogen is used for rocket fuel and explosives. Helium Gas under standard conditions and is found in all stars. Helium is the second most abundant element in the universe. Helium is used as a lifting gas for balloons and airships Lithium Lithium is a lightweight metal. Used as part of an alloy to make lightweight aircraft. Also used in batteries and medicines for psychiatric disorders. Beryllium Beryllium is a metal. It is used as an alloy for aircraft, rocket fuel and in mineral form makes the gems Emerald and aquamarine. Boron Boron is a metalloid. Boron is mostly found in mineral form as the mineral borax. Used to harden steel and to make rocket parts because it resists heat. Carbon Carbon is a nonmetal. Molecules that contain carbon make up all living cells. Carbon in different forms is used as charcoal, graphite and diamonds. Nitrogen Nitrogen is a diatomic gas. Nitrogen makes up the majority of our atmosphere. Nitrogen is used to make ammonia, fertilizers and explosives. Oxygen Oxygen is a diatomic gas. Oxygen is the 3rd most abundant element in the universe. We need to breath oxygen to live. It is also used in welding, and making steel. Fluorine Fluorine is a diatomic gas. Fluorine is the most reactive element and is rarely found alone. Fluorine compounds are used in rat poisons, etching glass and refrigerants. Neon Neon is a gas. Neon is un-reactive and is therefore not a part of many molecules. Because it glows red when a current is passed through it, it is used in lights. Sodium Sodium is a metal. Sodium is extremely reactive with water. Sodium vapor is used as lighting. Sodium compounds make up things like baking soda, table salt. Magnesium Magnesium is a metal. Magnesium is used to make lightweight alloys and burns with a very bright white light for fireworks.


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