The End of Poverty Iowa State University贫困的终结爱荷华州立大学.pptVIP

The End of Poverty Iowa State University贫困的终结爱荷华州立大学.ppt

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The End of Poverty Iowa State University贫困的终结爱荷华州立大学

The giving gap The U.S. is far behind on its pledge of 0.7% GNP Usual excuses Corruption and misrule Thus money down the drain Bush (2004) “…the greatest power on the face of the earth, we have an obligation to help the spread of freedom. We have an obligation to feed the hungry.” U.S. aid to sub-Saharan Africa: $3 per African (2002) 6 cents per African received after expenses and emergency aid /~markthoma/Graphics/poverty2.jpg * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The End of Poverty Jeffrey Sachs Director, UN Millennium Project Portrait of 4 Countries Malawi The perfect storm Bangladesh On the ladder of improvement India Center of an export services revolution China The rise of affluence /images/epidemics-aids-malawi-malnourished-afp-bg.jpg Malawi Malawi A perfect storm Villages devastated by AIDS Only children and grandmothers left Poor soils, poor yields No one to work the fields Little food to eat Malaria, but no medicines No nearby clinics In cities, are clinics No AIDS medicine Patients come to die. $1 a day could save them Grandmother with 15 orphaned children Bangladesh On the ladder to development Per capita income doubled since independence (1971) Infant mortality 1/3 Sweat shops in Dhaka Women walk 2 hours to work First step out of extreme poverty Microcredit more available Health care more available And birth control Women now more empowered Want education Want fewer children Rice milling /~phils4/3406.JPEG India Center of an Export Services Revolution Several steps up the ladder of development Information Technology companies College grads earn $250-500/month Service U.S. companies Buy U.S. computers Northern India still largely rural and poor IT workers in Bangalore, India China The rise of affluence Beijing: one of the world’s economic capitals. Average Annual income $4,000 per capita Urban professionals Affluence, travel,


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