The End of the Great Depression大萧条的结束.pptVIP

The End of the Great Depression大萧条的结束.ppt

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The End of the Great Depression大萧条的结束

Causes of WWII Treaty of Versailles Great Depression Rise of Dictators/Totalitarianism Treaty of Versailles World War I officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. The treaty was written by the Allies with almost no participation by the Germans. The eventual treaty included fifteen parts and 440 articles. First the new League of Nations was formed, which Germany was not allowed to join until 1926. Germany was given new boundaries, giving land to Belgium, France, Poland, Lithuania, and Denmark. Treaty of Versailles Treaty of Versailles Germany lost of all its colonies Germany’s armed forces were reduced to very low levels and prohibited Germany from possessing certain classes of weapons Germany was forced to accept complete responsibility for initiating WWI Germany was imposed enormous reparation payments for all material damages to the Allies The Treaty of Versailles The German government signed the treaty under protest. Treaty of Versailles Causes of The Great Depression The 1920s was an era of prosperity People bought things they couldn’t afford including stocks on credit and speculation Led to unrealistic stock prices Businesses and farmers overproduced goods October 29, 1929 the stock market crashed German Mark loses its value and Germany can’t pay reparations The Great Depression The Dust Bowl In the 1930’s the Great Plains suffered a drought Years of bad farming and grazing practices damaged the land Winds picked up dirt and created dust storms 150,000 square mile region was called the Dust Bowl The Great Depression EVERYONE was affected by the Great Depression Millions lost their jobs and homes Millions lost their life savings Millions of children were forced to get jobs to help their families The Great Depression President Hoover’s Solutions Encouraged churches and private charities to aid people in need. Persuaded business leaders to voluntarily maintain wage rates. Gave loans to banks and railroads Approved pub


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