The FPP Test What you need to know AMC LegalFPP测试你所需要知道的 AMC的法律.pptVIP

The FPP Test What you need to know AMC LegalFPP测试你所需要知道的 AMC的法律.ppt

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The FPP Test What you need to know AMC LegalFPP测试你所需要知道的 AMC的法律

NMIT student pilot conference 2011 The FPP Test How and why it applies to pilots “Winging It” – Student Pilot Conference NMIT July 2011 Overview The FPP test as a general concept The FPP test in the civil aviation context How it applies to pilots as new entrants Continuing FPP obligations of licensed pilots FPP test – general concept What is it? Mechanism to assess a person’s fitness or suitability to carry out a certain activity or occupation How is it applied? By reference to a set of personal characteristics or standards of expected behaviour and conduct Tailored to the nature of the activity or occupation Purpose? To protect and promote the public interest Applies to wide range of professions and activities FPP in the aviation context Why does it apply to aviation participants? To protect and promote the public interest in aviation safety the interests of participants in the aviation system How is this achieved ? By requiring participants who hold or exercise control over an aviation document to satisfy the FPP test (s9 CA Act) By enforcing appropriate sanctions where participants do not satisfy the FPP test (s17-20 CA Act) Who decides? The Director of Civil Aviation, the Courts Civil Aviation Act Section 10: The Mandatory FPP criteria The Director must: Have regard to the degree and nature of a person’s proposed involvement in the civil aviation system; and Consider the person’s: Compliance history with transport safety regulations Related transport industry experience Knowledge of civil aviation regulatory requirements Physical, mental health or serious behavioural issues Convictions for transport safety offences; and Any evidence that a transport safety offence or breach of the Civil Aviation Rules has been committed s10 - Other relevant matters S10(2) and (3) The Director may: Take into account any other matter or evidence consid


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