The Effects of Miracle Grow Soil versus Ground Soil on 奇迹般的生长对土壤和土壤的影响.pptVIP

The Effects of Miracle Grow Soil versus Ground Soil on 奇迹般的生长对土壤和土壤的影响.ppt

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The Effects of Miracle Grow Soil versus Ground Soil on 奇迹般的生长对土壤和土壤的影响

The Effects of Miracle Grow Soil versus Ground Soil on Brassica Rapa Cassie Tripp Undergraduate Biology Major Health Science Concentration Cookeville,TN 38505 Project Summary I wanted to know if turnip plants flourish in growth using miracle grow soil versus ground soil. Is the overall growth of the plants between the two soil types any difference throughout the weeks of the experiment? I expect the leaves to be a few inches longer using miracle grow soil. Introduction I observed how the Brassica Rapa (turnip plant) is effective by planting the plant in miracle grow soil versus ground soil. The question is will the soil type play a major role in effecting the growth during its lifespan? I understand by properly watering the plant and light exposure will be an indicator to help me receive the correct results (Donohue 2002). I read that light exposure is a valuable source for my plants (Anderson 2005). Objective/Hypothesis Objective is to show that the Brassica rapa will grow more effectively in the miracle grow soil compare to ground soil. Hypothesis is base on prior experience with plants I have planted using miracle grow soil that it will increasingly make my plants to produce bigger and better plants compare to ground soil. Null hypothesis is the miracle grow soil will not do anything to the growth of the turnip plant. Method Eight turnip plants was used to conduct the experiment. The method consisted of planting the eight plants in separate pots with four in the miracle grow soil and four in ground soil (Moles 2001). The length of the plants was two to three inches at the initial start and check throughout the experiment. Each plant was water as planted and therefore water as needed (Moles 2006). Also, the plant was place in light exposure. Data Form Materials 8 pots 8 Turnip plants - 1 plant in each pot. Miracle Grow Soil Ground Soil Results The miracle grow soil was found to produce bigger and greener plants compare to ground


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