The French Revolution jenksps法国革命jenksps.pptVIP

The French Revolution jenksps法国革命jenksps.ppt

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The French Revolution jenksps法国革命jenksps

Napoleon Bonaparte dominated European history from 1799 to 1815. He never stopped reminding the French that he preserved what was beneficial in the revolutionary program. Napoleon was born in 1769 on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. He went to a military school in France on a royal scholarship. Napoleon’s conquests began soon after he reached power. First, he achieved a peace treaty (1802) with the many nations warring with France after the execution of Louis XVI. However, in 1803, the war was renewed. From 1805 to 1807, Napoleon’s Grand Army defeated the Austrian, Russian, and Prussian armies. Napoleon’s conquests began soon after he reached power. First, he achieved a peace treaty (1802) with the many nations warring with France after the execution of Louis XVI. However, in 1803, the war was renewed. From 1805 to 1807, Napoleon’s Grand Army defeated the Austrian, Russian, and Prussian armies. Britain’s defeat of a combined French-Spanish fleet at Trafalgar (1805) ended Napoleon’s dream of invading. Napoleon tried to use the Continental System to defeat Britain. The Continental System was intended to stop British goods from reaching continental markets. Allied states resented being told they could not buy British goods, and this strategy failed as well. Napoleon now could create a new world order. His Grand Empire had three parts: the French Empire, dependent states, and allied states. The dependent states were kingdoms that Napoleon’s relatives ruled, including Spain, Holland, Italy, and the Grand Duchy of Warsaw. The allied states were those Napoleon defeated and forced to join him in war against Britain. These included Prussia, Austria, Russia, and Sweden. Napoleon sought to spread some of the principles of the French Revolution, including equality before the law, religious toleration, and economic freedom, through his empire. He urged his rulers to be constitutional kings. He tried to destroy the feudal, hierarchical order in the French Em


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