The French Revolution Suffolk County Community 法国大革命萨福克郡社区.pptVIP

The French Revolution Suffolk County Community 法国大革命萨福克郡社区.ppt

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The French Revolution Suffolk County Community 法国大革命萨福克郡社区

Pressure from the counterrevolution and the sans-culottes challenged the new government… In addition, war with Austria Prussia threatened its survival Under this stress, the revolution entered its radical phase Broke the back of the nobility-domestication of the nobility-nobility were house broken-life at Versailles; He excluded them from his councils, kept them busy at Versailles with operas, parties and hunts; enjoyed the status and grandeur but no power; He did not tax them, so they couldn’t demand a voice in govt; He made all decisions and elevated middle class to run the bureaucracy-councils, judges, intendants; Never called the Estates-General, maintained a secret police which could ope letters, maintained a large-standing army; Mercan tilism- JB Colbert regulated all eco activity- self sufficient industries in rugs, tapestries, mirrors, lace, firearms etc. Tax on salt that was required to purchase. As seen in The Gleaners (1857), Jean-Fran?ois Millet (1817-1875) struck a balance between romanticism and naturalism in his depictions of dignified agricultural laborers in a natural setting. He offered an alternative to the Salon standard and, in his own way, expressed the fugitive essence of modernity. ?Impressionism Image Gallery Louis changed his mind…he decided to disrupt the assembly and side track its goals… 18,000 troops called to Versailles Paris… Backlash in Paris- anxiety, rumors and fear caused secret citizen militias to collect their arms preparing for the worst… July 14th…900 angry and fearful Parisians -searching for gunpowder and weapons - marched to the Bastille prison While the Assembly continued their deliberations on a constitution, unemployment and hunger persisted… Once again the frustration in Paris sent a message to Versailles… Oct 5th, 7,000 women marched to Versailles, followed by an 18,000 man militia they invaded the royal apartment complex and demanded the head of Marie-Antoinette issued three weeks later, the Declaration refl


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