The Global Auction Education and Employers Taskforce全球拍卖教育和雇主工作小组.pptVIP

The Global Auction Education and Employers Taskforce全球拍卖教育和雇主工作小组.ppt

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The Global Auction Education and Employers Taskforce全球拍卖教育和雇主工作小组

The Global Auction for Jobs For many but not all graduates the Global Auction is a Dutch Auction. There are four elements to this: The globalization of high skills. The quality=cost revolution. Digital Taylorism. The War for Talent. The problems: Massive public and private debt; Fundamentally unbalanced economy; Three forms of market failure: Banking, reliance on the state, lack of private employers in significant parts of the country. Income for graduates polarising; A highly unequal tertiary education system. Solutions? This conference is an important start. An appreciation of the difficulties employers, especially SMEs and education face. Sophisticated industrial policy not to pick winners in terms of firms but to identify areas to develop the export sector. In order to create the demand for high skilled work. Hugh Lauder - University of Bath Phillip Brown - Cardiff University Inaugural Education and Employers Taskforce conference: The Point of Partnership - understanding employer engagement in education Learning Isn’t Earning: How the Global Auction for Jobs is Breaking the Promise of Education: The Second Crisis of Western Capitalism Technological Evolution ? Knowledge Economy; The Age of Human Capital - Education, Jobs and Rewards; Comparative Advantage: Developed Economies = Quality (Brain) Developing Economies = Price (Body) ‘In the past, material forces were dominant in national growth, prestige, and power; now products of the mind take precedence. Nations can transfer most of their material production thousands of miles away, centring their attention on research and development and product design at home. The result is a new and productive partnership between “head” nations, which design products, and “body” nations, which manufacture them’ R.Rosecrance, The Rise of the Virtual State, 1999. High Skilled ‘Magnet’ Economy Higher Skills Raising Quality Standards Innovation and RD Foreign Talent Efficiency Just


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