The Gold rush to Nanotechnology ; Carbon Nanotube纳米技术纳米技术碳纳米管.pptVIP

The Gold rush to Nanotechnology ; Carbon Nanotube纳米技术纳米技术碳纳米管.ppt

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The Gold rush to Nanotechnology ; Carbon Nanotube纳米技术纳米技术碳纳米管

1. Nanotechnology What is nano? 10ˉ? m – Quantum Effect Big areas Pharmaceutical, dendrimers, canbon nanotube, fullerences, nanowires 2. Carbon Nanotube 2-1. Carbon Nanotube 3. Properties Mechanical Property 200 times stronger than Iron, but much lighter Electrical Property 1,000 times better than silver and copper Thermal Property 20 times better than copper Other Property 4. Application Display Panel (electron emission) High-condensed Semiconductor 5. Patents Patents on how to produce Carbon Nanotube 1. NEC (Dr. Ijima, Japen) ; Chemical Method 2. CNI (Nobel Laureate, Richard Smalley, Rice University) ; Laser Method Patents on applications 1. Samsung Electronics 2. Hitachi, LTD. 3. LG Electronics 5-2.Patents Top assignees - 257 patents in total Countries Number of patents Samsung Electronics and Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. Korea 23 Rice University USA 14 Hyperion Catalysis International, Inc. USA 10 The United States of America USA 9 University of Kentucky Research Foundation USA 8 Industrial Technology Research Institute Taiwan 8 NEC Corp. and Research Institute, Inc. Japan 7 Iljin Nanotech CO., Ltd. Korea 6 Battelle Memorial Institute USA 5 The Regents of the University of California USA 4 Agency of Industrial Science and Technology Japan 4 Hitachi, Ltd. Japan 4 LG Electronics, Inc UK 4 Stanford University USA 4 6. Infringement As of late March 2005, 3,818 U.S. nanotechnology patents had been issued with another 1,777 patent applications awaiting judgment. Many problems occurred Lots of patents overlapped! 6-2. Infringement 6-3. Infringement Examples of overlapped patents One covers silicon nanocrystals having average diameter between 1 and 30nm. Another covers any nanocrystal emitting light in a spectral range no greater than than 60nm. (from Law Firm, Foley Lardner) Reasons competitiveness ( Gold Rush ) Lack of uniform handling in US PTO (140 examiners for 257 patent on nanotubes) 6-4. Infringement Want to start NEW business, BUT!


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