The Five People You Meet in Heaven North Plainfield School五人在天堂遇见你北普莱恩菲尔德学校.pptxVIP

The Five People You Meet in Heaven North Plainfield School五人在天堂遇见你北普莱恩菲尔德学校.pptx

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The Five People You Meet in Heaven North Plainfield School五人在天堂遇见你北普莱恩菲尔德学校

The Five People You Meet in Heaven Vocabulary Notes Reflection With a partner, discuss the following: Where do you think authors gain the inspiration for their novels? “It’s a tale of a life on earth. It’s a tale of life beyond it. It’s a fable about love, a warning about war, and a nod of the cap to the real people of this world, the ones who never get their name in lights.” So, what are some of the topics that Mitch Albom might be touching upon in this novel? Author Background: Mitch Albom Who is Mitch Albom? Best-selling author, journalist, screenwriter, playwright, radio and television broadcaster, and musician In 1985, moved to Detroit and became a famous sports journalist at the Detroit Free Press. Currently hosts a daily talk show on WJR radio. Regularly shows up on the shows: ESPN Sports Reporters and SportsCenter. Founded seven charities in the metropolitan Detroit area. Began his career as an author after reuniting with Morrie. Has three best seller novels that became TV movies: The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Tuesdays with Morrie, and For One More Day Video Introduction /news/mitch-albom-on-life-charity-and-god/ /d/film/3730/five-people-you-meet-heaven Vocabulary (Pages 1-31) Squat (adj.): short and thick or low and wide, especially in a way which is not attractive Retrieve (verb): to find something and bring it back Imminent (adj.): when an event, likely unpleasant, is about to happen soon Solvent (n.):a substance, usually liquid, that dissolves or can dissolve another substance Arthritis (noun): a disease that causes the joints of your body to become swollen and very painful Shingles (noun): a disease caused by an infection of the nerve endings, which produces painful red spots Lanky (adj.):someone who is lanky is tall and thin, and moves awkwardly Pier (noun): a structure that is built over and into the water so that boats can stop next to it or people can walk along it Halibut (noun): a large flat sea fish used as food Vocabulary (Pages 1


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