The Golden Ring Suzdal 1september金色的环苏兹达尔

The Golden Ring Suzdal 1september金色的环苏兹达尔

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The Golden Ring Suzdal 1september金色的环苏兹达尔

The Golden Ring Suzdal School 12 Electrostal Suzdal was founded in 1024. It has its Kremlin (from the 11th century on). Its center is the Church of the Virgin’s Birth. Soon after being built, the church started to fall apart because it was placed on a hill that always eroded. In front of the church one can see a bell tower. It is decorated by a big clock that was presented to the Kremlin by Peter the Great himself. There are 58 churches in Suzdal. Suzdal is famous for its open-aired Museum of Wooden Architecture where not only churches but houses, mills and even a well are gathered. Its History From the 11th to 12th century it developed as an important city of the grand duchy of Vladimir-Suzdal and a political and religious center of Russia. In the early 13th century it became the capital of the Suzdal principality, In 1238 it was destroyed by the Mongols and never recovered its importance. In 1451 Suzdal passed to the grand duchy of Moscow. The Coat of Arms Nowadays Suzdal is a town in Vladimir Region situated north-east of Moscow, 26?kilometers from Vladimir on the Kamenka River. More than 11,300 people live here. Its major industry is tourism. Modern Suzdal can easily be called the city-museum that has more than 200 marvelous monuments of history and architecture. Main Attractions The Kremlin. The most interesting architecture monuments are based within its area: the Kremlin Rampart (XI-XII centuries), the Nativity of the Virgin Cathedral (XIII-XVI centuries, frescos, iconostasis of XVII century), the Archbishops Chambers (XV-XVIII centuries), the wooden St. Nicholas’ Church. The Spasso-Efimievski (Our Savior and St. Euthymis) Monastery founded in 1352 with great fortress walls 1200 meters long, with 12 towers of XVII century and some constructions of XVI-XVIII centuries. Main Attractions The Pokrovski Convent was founded in 1364. Under the building of the Pokrovski Cathedral there is a vault where all Tsarinas


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