The Great Kapok Tree A Tal Central Connecticut State 巨大的木棉树一个塔尔康涅狄格州中央.pptVIP

The Great Kapok Tree A Tal Central Connecticut State 巨大的木棉树一个塔尔康涅狄格州中央.ppt

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The Great Kapok Tree A Tal Central Connecticut State 巨大的木棉树一个塔尔康涅狄格州中央

The Great Kapok Tree A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest by Lynne Cherry Introduction Did you know that rainforests are important to the survival of all of the people on earth? Have you ever wondered what is so special about rainforests? What kinds of plants and animals live in the rainforest? How do they affect our lives? In this cyberlesson we will be reading a book to help us answer some of these important questions. Materials copies of the book The Great Kapok Tree for each student blank rainforest writing journal for each student pens or pencils for each student colored pencils, markers, or crayons access to the Internet Rainforest Scavenger Hunt Persuasive Writing Guidelines Persuasive Writing Words List Before Reading In class, you will soon be reading the book The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry. Before you begin to read, look closely at the book’s illustrations and its cover. Read the introduction on the inside cover of the book. In your new rainforest writing journal please write a paragraph in which you predict what this story will be about. Which pictures helped you make your predictions? Be sure to write in complete sentences. What is a tropical rain forest? Where are they located? Before you begin to read, let’s learn a little more about tropical rain forests.... Click on the frogs above to visit two websites that will teach you some important background information for reading The Great Kapok Tree. Visit the frog on the right first! As you explore these websites, fill in this Rainforest Scavenger Hunt to help organize your thoughts. During Reading: Section 1 Begin reading The Great Kapok Tree and read until the rainforest child speaks to the man. The animals in the book give the sleeping man many reasons for not chopping down the Kapok tree. In your writing journal make a list of all of the reasons that the animals give the man. After Reading: Section1 Review your li


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