The McCarthy Era West Morris Regional High School 麦卡锡莫里斯时代西部地区高中.pptVIP

The McCarthy Era West Morris Regional High School 麦卡锡莫里斯时代西部地区高中.ppt

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The McCarthy Era West Morris Regional High School 麦卡锡莫里斯时代西部地区高中

The McCarthy Era The Hunt for Communists Causes and Effects of McCarthyism CAUSES SU establish communist regimes in E. Europe after WW2 SU develops A-Bomb quicker than expected Korean War ends in stalemate Republicans gain by accusing Truman/ Democrats of being soft on Communism Effects Who was Joseph McCarthy? Most famous anti-Communist Activist Ineffective 1st three years in Senate Needed winning issue in 1950 to win Decided to sound alarm about Communists in the Government Tactics Made one unsupported claim after another Various times claimed to have names of 51, 87, and 205 Communists in State Dept. Claimed Democrats guilty of “20 years of treason” for allowing communist infiltration. Only made claims in Senate so could not be sued for Slander Republicans allowed him to go on b/c hoped it would help win them a Republican presidency McCarthy’s Downfall 1954, made accusations against the US army RESULT: Nationally televised Senate Investigation His bullying of witnesses alienated the audience = cost of public support Senate condemned him for improper conduct He died 3 years later, suffering from effects of alcoholism Causes and Effects of McCarthyism CAUSES SU establish communist regimes in E. Europe after WW2 SU develops A-Bomb quicker than expected Korean War ends in stalemate Republicans gain by accusing Truman/ Democrats of being soft on Communism Effects Millions of Americans forced to take loyalty oaths, undergo loyalty investigations Activism in Labor Unions goes into decline People are hesitant to speak out on public issues for fear they will be charged as Communists Anti-Communism continues to drive US foreign policy.


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