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* The Huang He (Yellow River) is the muddiest river on Earth and is China’s second longest river, running 5 475 km (3 395 miles) from eastern Tibet to the Bohai Sea. The Huang He’s yellow color is caused by its tremendous load of sediment, composed primarily of mica,quartz, and feldspar particles. The sediment enters the water as the river carves its way through the highly erodable loess plateau in north-central China. (Loessial soil is called huang tu, or “yellow earth,” in Chinese.) Centuries of sediment deposition and dike building along the river’s course has caused it to flow above the surrounding farmland in some places, making flooding a critically dangerous problem. Where the Huang He flows into the ocean, sediments are continuously deposited in the river delta, where they gradually build up over time. Between 1979 and 2000—as these satellite images show—the delta of the Huang He expanded dramatically. Several hundred square kilometres of newly formed land were added to China’s coast during this period. 地球表面形态(二) 外力作用与地表形态 zxxk 外力作用的集中形式 风化、侵蚀、搬运、沉积、固结成岩 几种外力的关系 风化 沉积 侵蚀 搬运 固结成岩 几种外力作用类型 流水、风力、冰川、海浪…… 风化作用 风化作用(weathering)是指地表或接近地表的坚硬岩石、矿物与大气、水及生物接触过程中产生物理、化学变化而在原地形成松散堆积物的全过程 。根据风化作用的因素和性质可将其分为三种类型:物理风化作用、化学风化作用、生物风化作用。 球状花岗岩 侵蚀作用 流水侵蚀:一般都在河流上游,形成V字形的谷地 例子: 横断山区——内力抬升、流水侵蚀——山高谷深 青藏高原——挤压抬升、流水下切——水拍云崖 黄土高原——内力抬升、流水切割——千沟万壑 特殊的流水侵蚀 石灰岩溶洞、峰林、石林天坑等统称为喀斯特地貌(岩溶地貌)石灰岩地区多见 zxxk 侵蚀作用 风蚀地貌:多发生于干旱地区 例子: 风蚀蘑菇、风蚀城堡、风蚀洼地 雅丹地貌等 侵蚀作用 冰川侵蚀作用:形成角峰、U型谷,峡湾等地貌 zxxk 侵蚀作用 海浪侵蚀:海蚀崖等 搬运作用 沉积作用 河流沉积作用地貌:河流冲积扇,多形成于河流流出山麓位置 沉积作用 河流沉积作用:在河流下游和河口,形成冲积平原和三角洲 zxxk The delta changed dramatically between 1979 and 2000 1979: Huang He’s yellow color is the result of huge load of sediments 2000: The image clearly shows the change in Delta Dramatic changes in Huang He Delta, China * The Huang He (Yellow River) is the muddiest river on Earth and is China’s second longest river, running 5 475 km (3 395 miles) from eastern Tibet to the Bohai Sea. The Huang He’s yellow color is caused by its tr


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