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Unit 1 ---with their splint-bottomed chairs tilted back against the wall, chins on breasts, hats slouched over their faces, asleep---with shingle-shavings enough around to show what broken them down. ----藤条椅子翘起来,靠在墙上,下巴顶在胸前,帽子垂下遮着脸,打着瞌睡---他们身边有许多木瓦刨花,这足以说明消木瓦把他们累坏了。 two or three lonely little freight piles scattered about the “levee”, a pile of “skids” on the slop of the stone-paved wharf, and the fragrant town drunkard asleep in the shadow of them; 两三个孤零零的小货物堆在“码头”上散置着,石头铺的起卸码头的坡上有一堆“垫木”, 镇上的流浪汉就在这木堆近旁酣睡着。 Two or three wood flats at the head of the wharf, but nobody to listen to the peaceful lapping of the wavelets against them 码头上端有两三只平底木船,可是,水浪拍打着这些船只的柔和声音却没有人倾听。 The “point” above the town, the “point” below, bounding the river-glimpse and turning it into a sort of sea, and withal a very still and brilliant and lonely one. 镇子上游的“地角”和下游的“地角”划分了河面的景色,把瞬间流淌的河水变成一种大海的景色,而且这海面还是风光明媚、沉寂而幽静。 the paddle-boxes are gorgeous with a picture or with a gilded rays above the boat’s name; the boiler deck, the hurricane deck, and the texas deck are fenced and ornamented with clean white railing; 浆轮壳也漂亮非凡,那上面绘着图画,还在船名之上绘了一些金色的光带;锅炉甲板,顶层甲板,和上层甲板周围都配有干净的白栏杆。 They lapsed into a humble silence, and learned to disappear when the ruthless “cub” –engineer approached. 他们从此自知没趣,再也不说话了,而且每逢这个毫不留情的机匠“崽子” 走过来时他们就知道赶快躲开。 But when he came home next week…. It seemed to us that the partiality of Providence for an undeserving reptile had reached a point where it was open to criticism. 但是下个星期他居然活着回家了,并且还出了名,浑身带伤,绑着绷带在教堂出现,成了个出风头的英雄,人人都注视着他,对他感到惊异,这时候我们就觉得老天 (上帝)对一个毫无价值的坏蛋的偏爱似乎是到了一种应受批评的地步了。 I went meekly aboard a few of the boats that lay packed together like sardines at the long St. Louis wharf, and very humbly inquired for the pilots, but got only a cold shoulder and short words from mates and clerks 在圣路易斯那个长长的码头上,有许多船像沙丁鱼似的挤在一起停靠着,我胆怯地走到几条船上去,低声下气地探寻船上的领航员,可是大副和职员们都对我摆出爱理不理的样子,几句话就把我给打发走了。 I went meekly aboard a few of the boats that lay packed together like sardines at the long St. l


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