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Unit 4 一. 知识点 1. used to 过去常常做某事,暗指现在已经不存在的动作或状态. 后跟动词原形. 否定形式为: didn’t use to 或 usedn’t to 疑问形式为: Did…use to…? 或 Used…to…? be/get used to 习惯于, to 为介词. 2. wear 表示状态. put on 表示动作. dress + 人 给某人穿衣服. 3. on the swim team on 是…的成员,在…供职. 4. Don’t you remember me? 否定疑问句. Yes, I do. 不, 我记得. No, I don’t 是的, 我不记得了. 5. 反意疑问句: ① 陈述部分的主语为 this, that, 疑问部分主语用it; 陈述部分主语用 these, those, 疑问部分用they 做主语. 例: This is a new story, isn’t it? Those are your parents, aren’t they? ② 陈述部分是 there be 结构, 疑问部分仍用 there 例: There was a man named Paul, wasn’t there? ③ I am 后的疑问句, 用aren’t I 例: I am in Class 2, aren’t I? ④ 陈述部分与含有 not, no, never, few, little, hardly, seldom, neither, none 等词时,疑问部分用肯定. 例: Few people liked this movie, didn’t they? 但陈述句中若带有否定前缀或后缀的单词时, 这个句子仍视为肯定, 后面仍用否定. 例: Your sister is unhappy, isn’t she?⑤ 陈述部分的主语若为不定式或 V-ing 短语, 疑问部分主语用it. 例: To spend so much money on clothes is unnecessary, isn’t it? ⑥ 陈述句中主语是 nobody, no one, everyone, everybody 等指人的不定代词时,疑问部分用they做主语; 若陈述部分主语是 something, anything, noting, everything 等指事物的不定代词时, 疑问部分用it 做主语. 例: Nobody says one word about the accident, do they? Everything seems perfect, doesn’t it? ⑦ 当主语是第一人称I时, 若谓动为think, believe, guess 等词时, 且其后跟宾丛,这时疑问句部分的人称, 时态要与宾语从句保持一致, 同时还要考虑否定转移. 例: I don’t think he can finish the work in time, can he? ⑥ 陈述句中主语是 nobody, no one, everyone, everybody 等指人的不定代词时,疑问部分用they做主语; 若陈述部分主语是 something, anything, noting, everything 等指事物的不定代词时, 疑问部分用it 做主语. 例: Nobody says one word about the accident, do they? Everything seems perfect, doesn’t it? ⑦ 当主语是第一人称I时, 若谓动为think, believe, guess 等词时, 且其后跟宾丛,这时疑问句部分的人称, 时态要与宾语从句保持一致, 同时还要考虑否定转移. 例: I don’t think he can finish the work in time, can he? ⑧ 前面是祈使句, 后用 will you? (let’s 开头时, 后用shall we?) 6. be terrified of 害怕的程度比 be afraid of 深. 7. miss: ① 思念, 想念 例: I really miss the old days. ② 错过, 未中, 未赶上, 未找到. 例: It’s a pity that you miss the bus. 8. no more (用在句中)=not…any more (用在句尾) 指次数; no longer (用在句中)=not…any longer (用在句尾) 指时间. 9. right: ① adj. 正确的,


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