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字母a 的发音:/?/ f-a-t fat c-a-t cat b-a-g bag a-n-d and d-a-d dad h-a-t hat 创编歌谣 Dad has a cat. Cat has a cap. Dad and cat. Fat, fat, fat. 见词即能直拼 20个元音口诀: 五长五短双胞胎 三个小姨啊噢哎 两只乌龟三只鹅 元音(20个) 五长: /ɑ:/ /?:/ /??:/ /i:/ /u:/ 五短: /?/ /?/ /?/ /i/ /?/ 双胞胎:/e/ /?/ 三个小姨:/ei/ /ai/ /?i/ 两只乌龟: /a?/ /??/ 三只鹅:/i?/ /e?/ /??/ 六小龄童与三圣母吵架,唇枪舌战; 铠甲勇士来劝架 , 喝了一碗,没事了。 28个辅音口诀: 辅音(28个) 六小龄童: /p/ /t/ /b/ /d/? /g/ /k/ 三圣母:/m/ /n/? /?/? 唇枪舌战: /f/ /v/ /θ/ /e/? 铠甲勇士:/s/ /z/ /?/ /?/ /ts/ /dz/ /t?/ /d?/ /r/ /dr/ /tr/ 喝了一碗: /h/ /?/ /j/ /w/ 善模仿 多练习 成特色 You will be the best one! ea /e/ head bread sweater breakfast heavy pleasure 南宁市青秀区桂雅路小学 包柳红 2015年9月25日 1、课文朗读:能做到单词发音准确无误,吐字清晰。句 子 重音、连读、升降调的把握,要准确并赋予情感。 2、能用英语组织课堂进行全英课堂教学,语音语调标准, 指令清晰、明确。 3、能准确说唱英语歌曲歌谣,能根据歌词 创编舞蹈动作。 准确教唱并创编 Changing 作曲:周杰伦 作词:包柳红 演唱:梁寒露 Ten years ago, I was a little child. There weren’t any televisions. There wasn’t any food. My parents and I lived in a small house. My mother cooked on a fire, on a fire. Ten years ago, I was a little child. There weren’t any televisions.. There wasn’t any food. My parents and I lived in a small house. My mother cooked on a fire, on a fire. Ten years ago, I was a little child. There weren’t any buses and cars There were only bikes. Now life is changing, Changing everything. Our life is changing, changing. Ten years ago, I was a little child. There weren’t any buses and cars There were only bikes. Now life is changing, Our life is changing, changing. Changing everything. You are my, my old friends. I want to tell you the truth. There is lots of food. There are lots of houses and cars. You are my, my old friends. I want to tell you the truth. There is lots of food. There are lots of houses and cars. You are my, my old friends. Have you got any food? I wish you are better than my life. You are m


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