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-- IROLIrFOR REAS UNTIL 6:30 P.M. (.DT) SATURLAY OCTOBER 2W 1961 NO 11736 OXford 53201-- - ADDRESSBY - . ROSWELL L. QILPARIC, IMPUT= SECRETARY OF DEFENSE BEOORE THE.BUSINESS. COUNCIL - - AT- THE HOMESTEAD, UOT SPRINGS,IRaINTA SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1961 - 9:00 P.M. (EST), - 10:00 P-.M. .(EI;) -PP OVED FOR RELEASE HISToRICAL COLLECTION 76 DNISiONHR70-14 DATEf. 05-17-2012 - - As we meet.ogether this evening, I c.ax} think of no group of pe8ple who share more coupon lntierests in the goveggingsofthe United Statds. than do-those of us here. Most of the busi6 sses you represent do work for the government. Many of you :like myself have attimes taken leave . from ydur priyate concerns to serve the public welfare. i-ithout your support the defense of the United States couldnotbermaintained. There will alwayg.:be any matters at issueabstween us. and, manyproblems of oqvernient - bu iness ielations to be reolved. But. I.doubt that there willever be ma or insoluble differences between us when the security ; oui courtry i at. stake. And wei? 1by itis toddy.- - - It.seeed ,t me, therefore, -that rather than dwell on our problems -: and-we have,them,to deal with -- I shpuld try to develop further for you the thinking behi d:~our present defense policies and programs.. It has been my observati n that the only. way to keep the G(pvernments defense . .piPlicy clear,.in t minds of -those not in Government is by constant reiteration.: Inev tably, in the course of public .discussion, misinterpreta- tions and-misunder tandings of defense policy develop.. It may be ,because we in.Government fa 1 to makeourselves clear iei the first place. *Perhap. we take it to6much for:granied.that having once stated a policy we have fulfilled ogr task f achieving. public -understanding. Or perhaps the. - subdect is so compl that it requires a (ontinuing-dialogue betyeen the- Government and the ople. - Whatever the reason/ I am cdnvinced, that we. have not het suckeed d in getting across to the public at


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