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If you have the passion to serve society, you would find pleasure in working, helping others, and paying your taxes.「如果你有服務社會人群的熱忱,你就會樂於工作,樂於助人,樂於多繳稅。」 The law of nature dictates that humans must help each other in order to survive. The law of society dictates that people go to work and serve others. 「人需要互相幫助,這是自然界生存的法則。人需要工作上班,服務人群,這是人類互利、互助的唯一準則。」 We should all do what we can to serve the greater good. Working and paying our taxes is one way of serving the greater good. 「盡己之力 ,服務眾人。工作、上班依法納稅,就是在服務眾人。」 The easiest thing to do in the world is giving up while the hardest is to persist. May each and every one of us work hard in the spirit of service and sacrifice for the greater good. 「最容易做的事是放棄,最難做的事是堅持,希望大家都能有服務眾人心志,努力工作,犧牲小我完成大我。」 Esc For Exit * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 唐冠軍教室 珠璣集 118 Passion for your job should come from the desire to serve others and not simply to earn a salary. 118 工作熱情應該是來自於想為眾人服務的激情,而不是單純的只為了賺點薪水 導向成功的金玉良言 成功秘碼53 條 如何致富?且聽聽看富爸爸富媽媽是怎麼說的。 Click for next page If your identity lies in serving the public, then naturally you will take your job seriously. 「如果自己給自己的定位是要去服務眾人,你就會去認真的工作。」 We should live by the creed to do our best and serve the public. By going to work, doing our jobs, and paying our taxes, we are indeed serving the public. 「盡己之力 ,服務眾人。工作、上班依法納稅,這就是在服務眾人。」 The reason that those young homebodies would lose their job in the first place is that they can’t handle hardships and are unwilling to put their egos aside to take a lowly job. 「宅男宅女 與 啃老族之所以會失業,就是與他們不肯吃苦,不肯放下身段,不肯屈就有關。」 Don’t be afraid of high unemployment rates, unless you’re unwilling to work hard. Don’t be afraid you can’t find a job, unless you’re unwilling to face hardships. It’s not that there are no job opportunities; you’re just too picky and unwilling to put your ego aside to take a lowly job. 「不怕失業率高,只怕是你不肯認真工作。 不怕找不到工作,只怕是你不肯吃苦。 不是沒有工作機會,只怕是你眼高手低,不肯屈就。 Do your job because it’s your responsibility, not because you earn a pa


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