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学 生:潘树阳学科:英语教师:俞淑琴班主任:日期: 2016/ / 时段: 课 题M1U3 How do you feel? 教学目标理解并熟记今天所学单词、短语、句子重难点透视重难点:1. 默写单词、短语 2. 课堂练习知 识 点 剖 析序号 预估时间 掌握情况 1所学单词、短语 30分钟 2熟练运用句型 30分钟 3知识点的总结30分钟 教 学 内 容M1U3 How do you feel?词汇:back 回来 biscuit饼干 feel感觉 happy高兴的 sad伤心的 hungry 饿full饱的 thirsty口渴的 tired累的 crow乌鸦 bottle瓶子water水 drink喝 pebble小石子 so所以 then那么,然后idea办法 toast烤面包 post 邮局 lamp灯 postman邮递员large大的 cream奶油 berry 果冻 want需要,想要2.词组:a new bicycle一辆新自行车 have some biscuits吃些饼干each other对方 drink some water喝些水 thirsty and tired又渴又累a good idea一个好主意 a bottle of water一瓶水a piece of toast一片烤面包 long and thin又长又细post lamp路灯 post office邮局 be full of充满了…… be tired of厌倦—Have some biscuits.—Thank you. I have an idea.我有一个主意。3.语法:—How do you feel?—I’m /we’re hungry.—How does Danny feel?—He’s thirsty.以here,there开头的句子be动词用is还是are要看后面的名词是单数还是复数,是可数名词复数还是不可数名词。 Here’s some water for you. Here are some pebbles. There is a bottle under the tree. There are three crows in the tree.to have 句型肯定句: I have a pink and white T-shirt. It has small but sharp teeth.否定句:I haven’t (got) a pink and white T-shirt..It hasn’t (got) small but sharp teeth.一般疑问句:Have you (got) a pink and white T-shirt? Has (got) small but sharp teeth?特殊疑问句:What have you(got)? What has itl(got)?2.They’re friends now.1.-What does he do?/What is he? -He’s a doctor.2.Welcome to our fire station. 3.祈使句:Don’t play with fire.(否定句) 同义句:You can’t play with fire.Close the door,please.(肯定句) Please don’t close the door.(否定句) 4. I can help people. help后加名词和代词的宾格:help Alice/me/her/him/it/them 5. I like my job. 6.-Thank you.-You’re welcome.—How do you feel?—I’m /we’re hungry.—How does Danny feel?—He’s thirsty.以here,there开头的句子be动词用is还是are要看后面的名词是单数还是复数,是可数名词复数还是不可数名词。 Here’s some water for you. Here are some pebbles. There is a bottle under the tree. There are three crows in the tree.1.can句型肯定句:I/He/She/They can run fast.否定句:I/He/S


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