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与turn有关的短语 l. at every turn每次,总是,到处,主要表示事情发生的频率。例如: ????①Because of his drinking,the man was refused a job at every torn. ????由于酗酒,那个人每次找工作都遭到拒绝。 ?? ②Life holds new adventures al every torn. ????生活中处处有新的风险。 2.by turn交替地,轮流地,一会儿……一会儿,其含义为:有规律地轮换,根据一个重复性的计划而一个接一个或一个替换另一个。通常位于句末.turn为复数。例如: ????①His condition is critical;we have to look after him by toms. ????他的病情极为严重,我们得轮流看护他。 ????②When John had a fever,he felt cold and hot by turns. ????约翰发烧时,他一会儿发冷,一会儿发热。 3.in ones turn轮到某人(做事)。例如: ????They,in their torn,rejected that.????轮到他们时,他们也拒绝了。 4.in turn依次地,一次一个地,轮流地,其含义为:按照一个固定的顺序依次进行。in turn在句中位置较灵活,只有在表示“轮流”时才可和 by turns换用,但它表示的时间范围要大些。in turn还可表示“回报”。例如: ????①They rowed in turn/by toms.????他们轮流划船。 ????②The children went on the bus in torn.????孩子们依次上了公共汽车。 ??③Life becomes possible only when food is converted into energy,which in turn is used to seek more food to grow,to reproduce and to survive. ????只有当食物转变为能量,能量再用来寻更多的食物,从而保证生命的生长、繁殖和生存,生命才成为可能。 ????④I took Sally out to lunch,and she took me out in turn. ????我请了萨莉出去吃午餐,作为回报,她也请了我一次。 5.on the turn 正在转变中,(牛奶)在变酸。例如: ????①At last the condition of the patient seems to be on the turn. ????病人的情况看来终于有了转机。 ②This cream is on the turn.????这些奶油变酸了。 6.out of turn不按顺序,加塞儿,此义为 in turn(依次地)的反义语。Out of turn 还可表示“不合时宜”。例如: ????①Bill tried to register out of turn and was sent away. ????比尔注册时想加塞儿,结果被赶了出来。 ?? ②I hope I havent spoken out of turn.I didnt know it was supposed to be secret. ????希望我没有说不该说的话,我不知道这是要保密的。 7.to a turn煮(烧等)得恰到好处,完美的。turn可改为T。例如: ????①This fowl is done to a turn.????这只鸡炖得恰到好处。 ②His nickname,Tiny,suited to a T.????他的绰号“小不点”与他的身材正好相符。 ?????? 英语中由 “turn” 构成的短语很多,常见的有: 1. turn in ①归还 ②就寝 ③将某人交给警方拘押 ?????? 1)You must turn in your equipment before you leave the army. ?????? 2)Well, I think I’ll turn in. I’ve got to get up early. ?????? 3)She threatened to turn him in. 2. turn up ①出现,到达 ②开大音量 ③被发现或找到 ④查(字典等) ?????? 1)He promised to come but hasn’t turned up yet. ?????? 2)I can’t hear the radio very well; c


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