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沈阳理工大学应用技术学院学年论文 大学生旅游市场开发策略 学 生:杨岳 学 号:28 专 业:酒店管理 班 级:102082 指导教师:戴晓丹 沈阳理工大学应用技术学院经济管理学院 2012年6月 摘要 随着经济的发展,闲暇时间的增多,我国国内旅游发展的空间不断扩大,以大学生为代表的大学生人群开始逐渐壮大。由于游客...(查看更多)旅游品味的提升和旅游嗜好的差异化,因此,旅游目标市场的划分,提供适合大学生消费者旅游产品和服务,乃是游产业发展的前提条件。 旅游消费是经济发展的必然结果,其中教育背景对旅游需求和旅游行为有着重要的影响。但国内目前对于大学生消费人群这一特殊的有着巨大消费潜力的消费群体还没有足够的重视,采取的相应措施也较少。利润少、风险大、责任重、难管理等原因,使得大学生游市场因旅游企业不愿涉足而遭到忽视。大学生旅游市场是一个尚待深入研究、尚待进一步开发、极有发展潜力的市场。本文将分析大学生旅游,进而重新审视大学生旅游市场的优势特征,以及提出相对的市场开发策略。Abstract With the development of economy, the increase of leisure time, Chinas domestic tourism development space to expand ceaselessly, take the student as a representative of the student population began to grow. Because the tourists to enhance the taste of tourist tastes and difference, therefore, tourism target market division, to provide for the college students consumption of tourism products and services, which is the precondition of the development of travel industry. Tourism consumption is the inevitable result of economic development, the education background of tourism demand and tourist behavior has important influence. However, for college students as a special consumer groups have a huge consumption potential consumer groups have not enough attention, take corresponding measures are also less. Less profit, risk, responsibility is heavy, difficult management and other reasons, the college students tourism market for tourism enterprises willing to step in and ignored. The tourism market of university students is a yet in-depth study, pending further development, extremely has the development potential of the market. This article will analysis of College Students tourism consumption behavior, and points out the problems in the development of College Students tourism market, and then review the tourism market of college students and put forward relative advantage characteristic, market de


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